The Pep Rally

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it is now Wednesday , which means its the second day of school. This means there will be a pep rally for the basketball game and the cheerleaders have to do a routine. what does this mean? I have to get up at 5am to head to the gym and learn the routine. insane that we learn it the day of right. I get up off the couch and head to my room. I grab my cheer uniform and put my hair into a high ponytail and put the bow in. I stand in front of my mirror for a second to see how I look.

"that looks nice on you" Nancy walks in.

"it does?" I ask.

"yes. it really suits you." She smiles and leaves my room.

I guess it does kind of look nice on me surprisingly. I look back at my mirror and put a small bit of mascara on, clear lip gloss, and eyeliner. now that is what I call perfection. I straighten my uniform a bit and then walk downstairs for breakfast.

"Mom and Mike are still asleep so I made you a small breakfast." She hands me a plate.

"thanks Nancy." I start eating my waffles.

"I still find it insane that they make you learn it the day of." She pours a glass of juice for herself.

"yea so do I, especially learning it at five in the morning." I yawn slightly.

"Well I will see you when school starts." she heads upstairs.

I finish my waffles and then grab a water for on the go. when I arrive to the gym I see Chrissy and a few others. I also notice Jason walking over to us right away. I start to get nervous as I notice people are looking at me from all around.

"hey, you look great in that." Jason smirks.

"fuck off pervert" I push him.

"you look very pretty!" Chrissy hugs me.

"thank you, so do you!" I hug her back.

"you girls know who is doing the stunts?" Jason asks.

"I do" Chrissy looks at me.

"wait me? why me?" I freak out.

"cause you said you had good balance" Chrissy restates to me what I told them.

"is there more than one stunt?" I ask her.

"yes, you, some other girl and I are the stunts." she does her happy dance.

"well have fun you two" Jason walks away.

we start getting taught the routine, there's a lot of moves to remember. we get to the stunt portion and it takes a while to stick it and make it look good but it gets done. we practice for about 3 hours which by the end of practice everyone is exhausted. Chrissy and I look at each other and laugh as both our faces are as red as a tomato. We get 30 minutes to relax before the pep rally, I go out into the hall and fill my water bottle back up.

"hey there cheerleader." Robin laughs.

"don't even" I roll my eyes.

"it looks good" she looks at me.

"thanks.." I finish filling my bottle.

"well, I am gonna head to the bathroom before the rally." Robin walks away.

Heading back into the gym, everyone has gotten into their places. I quickly run to the spot I need to be in. The principal starts announcing people to come to the gymnasium by grade level for the pep rally though the speakers. Seniors come first, then juniors, sophomores, and then freshman last. Once everyone is seated the music starts up and off we go. We start dancing to a music mashup that was put together.

The mascot comes out and helps make the audience cheer. people start whistling and clapping. I spot robin and do a small wave to her. a couple girls do some cartwheels around the court and hold up signs. I walk over to my stunt group in the center of the field. I hop up and unravel, do a high V and then get flipped into the air. I land it and I hear a ton of cheering. I spot Nancy in the crowd smiling. I walk over to the next stunt group and get ready to lift Chrissy up into the bird. we raise her, she waves and smiles. She is then flipped into the air, soaring like a bird in the sky. she twists and turns and then is caught by the stunt group.

The finale is coming. We do more dancing and then the basketball team comes out to do a duo dance with the cheerleaders. the basketball players each lift a cheerleader onto one hand. all cheerleaders smile and wave. they help us all down and we get ready for the last stunt. all 3 cheerleaders get lifted up. I grab Chrissy's hand and another girls hand. We release each other at the top and get thrown into the air at the same time. We twirl before landing. The music ends and everyone cheers.

I spot the hellfire club all sitting together. Dustin and Mike are jumping with joy shouting my name. The rest are just looking around the gymnasium. we all run off the field. Jason walks over to Chrissy and I.

"you both did great!" he pats us on the back lightly.

"I'm surprised you didn't drop the cheerleader you were partnered with" I grin.

"Oh he was so close to dropping her" Chrissy laughs.

we all talk for a bit and then I decide to walk over to my brother and Dustin. I tap Dustin on the shoulder, he turns around and a smile appears on his face instantly.

"you were amazing!" he fixes his hat.

"it was fun not gonna lie" I tell him.

"who would have thought my sister would be a cheerleader" Mike playfully pushes me.

"I honestly thought Nancy would have been one, not me" I shrug.

Dustin: "Y/N you should sit with us at lunch again"

Y/N: "oh no its alright. I'll sit with Chrissy and Jason."

Dustin: "oh come on, it will be fun."

Mike: "I don't think anyone will mind, just join us."

I look at the rest of the members and they all just shrug, Eddie isn't paying attention. oh well he can get over it if its an issue. I say goodbyes until lunch and walk to my next class. This time I have Geometry. apparently Eddie is in my class with me.

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