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I awake to knocking at my door, I get up off the floor and get dressed and do my morning routine. I feel like complete shit after last night, no surprise there. the knocks continue.

"what." the anger in my tone breaks through.

"just wanted to see if you were okay" Mike says.

"yeah. Its whatever" I unlock my door and walk past him.

Robin picks me up at my house and we ride to school together. I tell her everything that happened last night and how my mother reacted to it. Robin has never liked my mother, in fact, nobody really has. Except for Billy Hargrove for some odd reason, which was gross.

"your mom has some serious fucking issues" she looks over at you.

"mhm." I mumble.

"hey. you will be okay." she reassures you.

"I just wanna move out" I look out the window.

Robin looks over at you again and see's a tear running down your cheek.

"don't cry Y/N, its not worth it." she gives me a tissue.

"thanks.." I wipe my tears.

I contain myself and calm down before we arrive at the school, Robin parks and we hop out and head to our classes like usual. I head to lab Science this time and she heads to the Gym. the teacher has us stand outside the classroom and one by one tells us who our table and lab partner are. I get to the teacher and he tells me my partner. who was it you ask? Eddie. fucking. Munson.

I go to my seat and pull the worksheet out that was given to everybody so I can rush through this and get this class over with so I'm not stuck with this guy for more than I have to be. he walks over and sits down next to me and does the same. we set our station up with what we need for the experiment. he goes to put the wrong thing in the beaker.

"no!" I grab it out of his hand and set it down.

"what the hell Y/N" he looks at me.

"that was the wrong thing." I write my name on my paper.

"no it wasn't" he writes the date on his paper.

we continue to do the project and get down to the last bit of putting the final touch into the beaker. this should be easy right? well apparently it wasn't to him. guess what he did? he grabbed the wrong thing and put it in, and our station practically exploded. great right? yea.

"are you fucking kidding me." I breathe in and out to calm down.

the teacher walks over and looks at us and then our work station. he tells us to clean it up and to stay after class. I glare at Munson as he does with me. once the bell rings we stay after and talk with the teacher.

"that experiment was the easiest and there was no way to mess it up. yet somehow you managed to. you both will be getting detention in here for fooling around in a work space. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. I saw what I needed to see." the teacher scolds us and then exits the room to get their lunch.

"fucking great. thanks a lot." I walk to the back of the room and sit in a chair.

"it wasn't my fault" he says.

"it so was! you put the wrong thing in it dummy!" I raise my voice at him.

"you never do anything wrong do you." he looks at me.

"I didn't do anything wrong because it wasn't me." I flip the bird at him.

"whatever wheeler." he writes on the desk he's sitting at then moves to a new one.

the teacher walks back inside and eats their lunch while they grade papers for different classes. they look up and notice the drawing on the desk and get up off the chair to examine it closer.

"who did this?" the teacher points at the drawing of a guitar.

"Y/N did." he blurts out.

"excuse me? I did not." I defend myself.

"stop with the bullshit Y/N and just admit it" he grins looking at me.

"I didn't do anything though" I look at the teacher.

"so then who did? a ghost?" the teacher looks at us.

"who did it?" they ask again.

"he did" I point at him.

"why would I do that?" he turns to me.

"I don't know why you would but it was you." I shrug.

the teacher puts their face into their palm and shakes their head. they are obviously sick of all of this. I point out to the teacher that Munson has the marker he wrote with in his pocket. he continues to try and deny it but the teacher doesn't believe him.

"wow, screw you Y/N." he shakes his head and gets forced to clean it up.

"mhm. maybe own up to what you did next time." I lay my head on the desk.

we sit there for an hour until the bell rings and we are allowed to leave. I go around to look for Chrissy until somebody comes up to me and notifies me that she isn't in school today and isn't feeling well at all. that's strange, she was fine just yesterday. I walk into the cafeteria and the televisions inside are playing the news.

"We are here in the forest hills trailer park in east roane county. we don't have a lot of details right now but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins high student was discovered early this morning wearing a cheer uniform."

my heart stops hearing that news. I run to the school office and ask to call someone. I call Chrissy's parents and they say she never came home last night and they are worried sick and haven't seen or heard anything on her whereabouts. I freak out and flee the school and catch a ride to the trailer park.

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