Creep much?

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I exit the backroom and go up to the counter to meet with Steve and Robin like usual. I inform them about Eleven getting arrested. they stand there in shock before asking what happened. I tell them all about the incident and of course Steve is happy about her sticking up for herself. I don't get him, that's not how you handle that type of situation. you can stick up for yourself in other ways.

"I'm surprised one of Steve's children got arrested before he ever did" Robin chokes out laughing.

"now why would I be sent to jail" Steve leans on the counter.

"have you seen the shit you do?" I look at him.

We decide to make fun of Steve a little bit longer until he gets irritated with us and walks away from the counter to stock items. Robin tells me about that Vikki girl, she ended up leading her on and got a boyfriend after they went out on a date and how she was semi disappointed.

"um no, ain't nobody bringing you down. you are amazing, a literal badass, your hilarious, hot as fuck, and so much more. don't let nobody do that shit to you." I say.

"man why can't I just date you, your like so perfect" she jokes with me.

"I mean.. I'm down" I joke back with her.

"let me just go buy you a ring real fast" we both laugh as she says that.

"you guys are fucking weird" Steve calls out from the back.

The door swings open and a couple people walk in, some girls and a few guys as well. I end up noticing Eddie being one of them that walks in, he really isn't taking this hiding away thing seriously. he walks over to the back of the store to scroll through the shelves. Someone calls me over for help so I walk over to see what they need.

"hey, do you have any recommendations?" they ask rubbing their hands together.

"I would have to say... definitely footloose!" I smile.

"okay cool, can you show me where that is?" they ask.

"yea no problem follow me" I start walking to the shelf its on.

all of a sudden I feel two pairs of hands on my waist that spin me around, it was the customer. they have me stuck in a corner.

"your pretty hot not gonna lie" they grin.

"oh um thanks I guess.. could you please get your hands off my waist?" I ask them.

"why should I babe?" they grip my waist harder practically digging their nails into my side.

"I'm uncomfortable and your hurting me" I panic looking around for help.

"I couldn't just let a girl as perfect as you go" they laugh and put a camera underneath the skirt I was wearing to snap a photo, what the fuck!

I break from their grip but they grab me back by my wrist, I scream for help and Steve comes running and he yells for Robin to call the cops. He pushes the guy to the floor but it didn't do much, the guy just rolled Steve onto his back with no problem at all. he repeatedly punches Steve leaving him with a bloody nose and a black eye. the guy then comes back to me as I try to back away as fast as I can, he grabs my hair and pulls me back.

"your not going anywhere!" he yells.

"let me go! HELP!" I yell as they start dragging me to the door as I kick and scream.

I pinch the guys hand and then bite it, running to a different part of the store away from him.

"Robin hurry up!" I yell to her.

"I'm trying! they keep asking me questions!" she yells frustrated.

the guy looks at me as he starts walking towards me again so I run to another area of the store but he continues to follow me with every step I take.

"leave me alone god damnit!" I yell.

"nope, maybe you should have let me done what I wanted to" he runs over knocks me down.

I get thrown to the floor hitting my head on the edge of a shelf on the way down. I'm not strong enough to throw this guy off of me, Steve is bleeding and has a black eye and he never wins fights, and Robin is on the phone. I'm so fucked, I close my eyes and kick as much as I can.

I hear a loud punch and open my eyes to the guy on the floor and Eddie standing over me, he puts his hand out and I grab it without any second thoughts. I stand behind Eddie to keep distance from the guy on the floor, putting my hand to my chest I try to calm my heart rate down.

"it was a joke, please!" the guy nervously laughs.

"you think not respecting women is a joke?" Eddie scoffs and bites his cheek.

he walks over to the guy and punches him repeatedly leaving him with a broken nose, I pull Eddie away from him before he does anymore damage. Especially with the rings he has on those could do definitely do some damage if they wanted to.

"let me finish him off" Eddie says looking like he's about to kill someone.

"does this guy wanna go to jail?" Robin asks Eddie.

"I don't care, men like this are disgusting" he raises his voice pointing at the guy.

"Eddie, calm down." I drag him to the backroom.

he slams his fist into the wall causing it to bleed a little, he's furious. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder, he turns around and faces me. I grab a band-aid from one of the cabinets and place it on his fist. he stares at me confused with why I did that, and honestly I don't know why I did. I just felt the need to do that.

"why did you do that?" he asks holding eye contact.

"I don't really know.. just felt like it." I shrug.

"right.. you okay?" he asks.

"I guess, kind of shaken up. I hope they delete that photo." I look down.

"I'm sure they will, or they might put it in an evidence bag" he says.

"although, did you forget your work uniform?" he laughs.

"yeah, It completely slipped my mind this morning" I give an awkward smile.

"you seriously need to be more careful, your being accused of literal murder." I tell him.

"yea yea I know." he says.

We are interrupted by Robin who comes in to grab me for questioning, I tell them all that he did. Steve and Robin confirm everything as witnesses. I tell Eddie to stay in the backroom until the officers have left. the guy ended up being arrested. apparently he has been doing it all day and had over 15 similar photos on the camera, gross. the officers leave and I go back to the room to thank Eddie for helping and tell him he is good to leave the room now. after that I head back to my house. upon arrival to the house I tell Nancy about the guy and she freaks out asking if I'm alright and everything. I tell her I'm okay and that I just wanna sleep so she leaves my room to let me change and get some rest. I guess tomorrow we have no school because of It being a super intendants day so that's nice. I think I might go and visit Max tomorrow or something. I fall asleep cuddling with my stuffed animal.

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