Were getting closer

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We wake up and Dustin radios Eddie that there is a meeting today about Vecna. we hurry up and get ready. I rush to shower first and then get dressed. we head out the door and head back over to my house. I sneak into the house and pretend I was home all along. Eddie comes down sometime after me.

"so what's the plan?" Eddie says.

"were gonna have to go to the upside down, and someone has to distract Vecna." Robin says.

"Someone who is cursed." Dustin adds.

"I will do it." Max says standing up.

"no you are not." I say.

"Y/n is right, its to dangerous for you Max" Nancy says.

"I'll do it." I stand up.

"No, No!" Eddie says shaking his head.

"No your not y/n" Steve says.

"yes I am" I insist.

"You'll die!" Robin looks at me.

"If I got cursed yesterday then I'm already half dead." I respond.

They all look at me and then look down.

Y/n: "that's the choice."

Max: "what about us huh?"

Lucas: "you'll leave us"

Eddie: "all of us.."

Y/n: "but I'll be saving all of you, therefore I'm not changing my mind."

Nancy: "Jesus Christ y/n.."

"Fuck.." Eddie says putting his head in his hands.

"I'm doing it, and none of you can stop me!" I stomp my foot on the ground enforcing it.

We all chat some more, some uneasy by the decision I made. Eddie especially as he keeps looking at me with saddened eyes. we all talk about the plan.

Steve: "we know how Vecna attacks. So now we just need to sneak into his lair in the upside down" Robin: "and then drive a stake through his heart. if he has a heart.."                   

Eddie: "a stake? is he a vampire?"       

we all laugh at that for a bit.

Nancy: "a bullet should work on him, right?"

Steve: "it might"

Max stand back up.

Max: "four chimes, Vecna's clock. It always chimes four times, Four exactly."

Lucas: "he's been telling us his plan this whole time.."

Y/n: "four chimes, four kills, four gates. End of the world"

Nancy: "if that's true... he's only one kill away."

Eddie: "oh Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ."

We all talk about it some more and everything is planned out. Lucas is going to be on flashlight business to let everyone know when each phase is complete. I will distract and Max will be with me, she is gonna keep her Cassette player on so he can't do anything to her as well. Steve, Robin and Nancy will go find his lair and attack with guns and Molotov's. Dustin and Eddie will distract the bats with music. once everything is cleared up we all decide to take a day or so to relax, Dustin will let everyone know when its time. Eddie and I head up to my room, everyone thinks he left to go home and I just needed alone time. we sit on my bed and he goes to roll a blunt right away.

"Eddie, you cant do that here" I say.

"to bad, I'm going to. just open your window." he lights it.

I get up and quickly open my window.

"you know.. I'm not happy with you being the distraction." he looks down at the floor.

"I know.. but I can't let anyone else get hurt." I lean back on my headboard.

"I can't let you get hurt.." he sighs.

"I will be fine, I promise" I put my pinky up and he wraps his around mine.

I look on his right arm and trace his bat tattoo, he laughs and cuts the blunt to stop the burning matter of it. he places it into a bag he brought along and then comes to sit back on the bed by me.

"I like your tattoos but this bat one has to be my favorite." I trace it again.

"do you want another tattoo?" he asks.

"at some point yes, but there's no time to schedule an appointment at the moment" I shrug.

"I can give you it." he walks back over to his bag and pulls a small tin out.

he opens it on the bed and its needles, with ink, and such.

"a stick and poke? aren't those dangerous?" I ask him.

"they can be, if not done right." he looks at me.

"you know how to do them right?" I say looking at the things in the tin.

"of course I do, do you trust me enough to give you one?" he asks me.

"I mean.. sure.." I look up at him and smile.

"you should match me with this bat tattoo" he smiles back.

"hmm.. lets do it!" I giggle.

he starts the procedure of the stick and poke and continues to ask if I'm okay. he is very gentle with me which helps my nerves a lot. I end up having to look away because I kind of hate needles. once done he taps my leg, I open my eyes and walk over to the mirror and see small black bats on my right arm. He walks over behind me showing his in the mirror, they are completely identical. he spins me around and lifts my chin as he plants a kiss on my lips.

"now were matching sweetheart." he pulls away with a smile.

"yes we are" I smile back.

"anything else you wanna do?" he says fidgeting with his rings.

"hm.. I wanna learn guitar!" I smile at him, he tilts his head at me.

"okay.. we can do that at some point." he says laughing.

After about and hour or two later he heads back to his place and I decide to stay home tonight, I exit my room and go down to see my mom entering the house.

"and where have you been the last few days?" I ask making her jump.

"that is none of your business." she says walking by to hang her coat up.

"let me guess... sleeping with people younger than you again?" I laugh under my breath.

She walks over to me and goes to raise her hand to me but Nancy grabs it.

Nancy: "don't you even think about it!"

Mother: "oh Nancy, I was just... telling her something."

Nancy: "with your hand raised towards her face? yea ok. I've seen how you are towards her."

Mother: "oh come on Y/n. tell her we are just joking."

Y/n: "no thank you, I'm done with your shit mother."

Nancy: "keep it up and you won't have children."

Nancy and I walk upstairs to her room quite quickly. she pulls me into a hug, apologizing for not standing up for me sooner. I tell her its okay and I just continue to hug her. we talk for some time before pulling apart and changing the topic.

Y/n: "I wonder If Mike, Will, and Jonathan have found Eleven yet."

Nancy: "that's a good question. hopefully they have."

Y/n: "yea hopefully. you been okay with Jonathan being gone for so long?"

Nancy: "yea, I'm just hoping he is safe."

Y/n: "I'm sure he is."

we talk some more and end up both falling asleep on Nancy's bed. we were up so late just talking to each other about the whole thing.

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