His Soft Side

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all of a sudden the door swings open and Nancy comes walking in with Robin and Steve. Eddie and I quickly separate from cuddling before they reach the living room. Eddie and I share a disappointed glance as we were enjoying our time cuddling up to each other. 

Robin: "well look who is hanging out with y/n"

Eddie: "well yea that's what friends do"

Nancy: "except you like her.."

Y/n: "but we decided to just stay friends, friends can hang out."

Steve: "woah hold up, what did I miss?"

Eddie: "nothing. can we stop talking about this already"

Robin: "enough about that... Y/n why are you wearing his shirt and why does he not have a shirt on?"

Eddie: "it was never returned to me, so she just continues to wear it I guess."

Y/n: "yep, its comfy. also I don't know why he is shirtless.."

Eddie: "because its warm in here"

Steve: "right.. totally"

I cough and try to change the subject as my face turns a bit red. I change the topic onto Steve and his injuries.

Y/n: "wow Steve, you look like shit."

Steve: "well I feel like shit too"           

Eddie: "I would hate to be you, those bats really fucked you up."

Steve holds his stomach as he goes to sit down, he groans in pain. I couldn't imagine the pain he is going through right now with all that. we are supposed to have another one of those meetings soon about what were gonna do but I don't know exactly when.

"Uh y/n, are you okay" Steve looks over at me.

"yea, why?" I tilt my head confused.

"you don't feel the blood coming from your nose?" he says.

Everyone turns towards me as I put my finger to my nose, I pull it back and there is blood. I look up at Nancy worried but she is already running to the kitchen to grab a napkin for me.

"here you go, hold it to your nose" she hands me the napkin.

"okay.." I take it.

"is your head feeling okay?" Robin asks me.

"I mean its pounding, but its manageable." I shrug.

"you realize what this could be, right?" Steve crosses his arms.

"I think you got cursed.." Eddie says.

"what? no I didn't. that's ridiculous." I laugh.

"Y/n, those are literally the signs!" Eddie raises his voice a little.

"okay, were gonna schedule this meeting soon before someone is hurt." Nancy says.

Nancy, Robin, and Steve all head upstairs and Eddie and I head out to the cabin in the woods. once arriving and entering the place, I grab a book and go to sit on the couch. After some time Eddie walks over with a lighted cigarette.

Eddie: "wanna try?"

Y/n: "no thanks, I'm good."

Eddie: "come on just once"

I shake my head at him.

Eddie: "do you trust me?"

Y/n: "of course.. why?"

Eddie sits down next to me and goes to tilt my chin up towards him as he slides closer to me.

"inhale deeply, hold and release." He instructs.

I look into his eyes confused as ever.

Eddie pulls the cigarette from his mouth and blows the smoke between my slightly parted lips. Now understanding what he meant I do as he says and inhale deeply, holding it and then slowly release it. the strong smoke comes out of my mouth. he smiles before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"was that so bad?" he asks.

"I guess not..." I turn away from him and go back to my book.

"excuse me, give me that!" he reaches over and grabs the book from my grasp and stands up. I try to get it back but he raises his hand high in the air out of my reach. He puts one arm on my waist and throws the book onto the table.

"what do you want?" I ask him.

"cuddles please" He smiles at me.

"seriously! we could have just cuddled while I read!" I roll my eyes at him and head to the couch.

"oh.. will you read to me then?" he asks grabbing the book.

"fine, get over here" I motion for him.

He hands me the book before laying on me, his head on my chest as his legs are between mine. he wraps his arms around my waist and snuggles his head into my neck. I start reading the Novel "Pet Sematary by Stephen King." as I play with Eddies hair a little bit. by the time I finish the book it is around 7pm and Eddie has fallen asleep. I tap him slightly.

"hm" he groans into my neck.

"lets get ready for bed" I say softly.

he lifts himself off me and rubs his eyes slightly, I get up with him and place the book on the table. he goes to climb into the bed but I stop him, he looks at me confused.

"you better go shower first, Munson" I say.

"fine.." he walks to the bathroom.

while he goes to shower I change into something different for bed and then climb into the part of the bed facing the wall. after some time the water from the bathroom turns off. he walks back out after some more time and climbs under the covers with me as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. he then asks if I'm still awake.

"yea, why?" I turn my head a bit.

"I love you Y/n Wheeler." he says.

"I love you too Edward Munson." I turn over and Cuddle into him as he kisses my forehead.

We drift off into a deep sleep as were cuddled up together. it's only been a few days and I already feel like the luckiest person in the world because I have him. upon first meeting him, I thought he was the worst. now? here I am cuddling him in bed telling each other we love one another, as well as who would have thought Munson is such a cuddle bear. Definitely not me, until just now.

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