Chrissy Crumble

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Once arriving to the trailer park I see flashing lights, caution tape, and police officers. I look around to see what trailer it happened in. It was the trailer across from Max's. I walk over to an officer to ask questions.

"excuse me?" I tap an officers shoulder.

"you shouldn't be here" he implies with a stern voice.

"I know.. but I need to know who it was that died." I put my hand to my heart.

"it's a cheerleader, that's all we know. we can't identify them." he informs me.

"can I see them? I cheer at the school. I can help identify them." I push the lump down my throat.

the officer walks over to a few others and asks them about me seeing the person in the trailer. he walks back over to me and tells me to follow him inside. when I step inside I see a girl laying there, they flip her over so I can see her face. I fall to the floor crying. it's Chrissy.. her bones are dislocated or something and her eyes have been pushed in. the officers help me off the floor and out of the trailer, they sit me down and get me water.

"you know her don't you." an officer puts his hand on my back to comfort me slightly.

"mhm.." I look down.

"whats her name?" they ask holding a pen and paper.

"Chrissy Cunningham." I wipe my eyes.

"what was her relationship to you?" they question.

"she was my best friend.." I try to steady my breathing.

they walk back to their coworkers and talk for a bit. another officer comes over and asks me some other questions about it.

"do you know where the guy is who lives here?" they ask.

"what's their name?" I question.

"Eddie Munson" they respond.

My heart stops for a quick second, I try to contain myself and bring myself back.

"he's at the school, he's a senior." I respond.

"thank you ma'am." they shake my hand and walk away.

I look over to the right and see two adults, they are looking at me worried. I walk over to see what's up with them or if they needed something. as I got closer I realized they were Chrissy's parents.

"you must be Y/N?" they ask.

"yea.." I choke out.

"she talked about you a lot you know." the mother places her hand on mine.

"I was hoping it wasn't her.. I was looking for her today at school and people said she stayed home because she wasn't feeling well but when I walked into the cafeteria I saw the news and freaked out. I didn't even get told who lives in the trailer until a few seconds ago. I don't know why she would be here to see him." I look down.

her parents both hug me and we all embrace each other. you would think by looking at the hug we exchanged that we would have known each other for years. it was a warm hug, I needed that a lot and I'm sure they did as well. I look up and see Munson watching from afar. I walk towards him.

"what did you do to her?" my eyes tearing up.

"I didn't do anything.. I wasn't even here." he explains.

"why was she at your trailer?" I question him.

"I was dealing her drugs, she probably stopped by for that." he shrugs.

"then why is she fucking dead in your trailer?" I push him.

"I don't know. I wasn't here last night." he says.

"your lying!" I yell.

"calm the fuck down, it seriously wasn't me." he looks over at the crime scene.

"why was she asking for drugs" I stare at him.

"she said something about hallucinating and stuff, and that the drugs helped" he shrugs again.

I leave the scene quickly and rush over to Dustin's house and find him laying in bed. oh yea, the school let everyone out early due to the whole situation so there's that.

"we have a problem" I state to him.

"which is?" he sits up in his bed.

"I think something or someone us attacking people in Hawkins." I reply.

"why do you think that?" he asks.

"I went to the crime scene. their bones were completely cracked and dislocated. their eyes were pushed into their head and blood was coming out of their eyesocket, looked like the devils work or something." I explain.

"do we know if anything was happening to her before she died?" Dustin asks.

"Munson said she was hallucinating" I inform him.

"okay.. you guys talked?" he tilts his head and stares at me.

"don't go off topic. if you want more information about her ask Munson." I go to the doorway.

"okay.. but why?" he questions once again.

"he was dealing her drugs to help with whatever it was" I say.

"interesting.. I'll find out more from him tomorrow." he writes it all down on a paper.

"do you think he killed her?" I ask.

"what? definitely not. he wouldn't do that" Dustin looks at me.

I'm not so sure about that.. anyway
I exit the house and head back to my house. When I enter I see Mike and Nancy looking at me. I don't want empathy from anyone. I just wanna be alone. I run up to my room and shut the door. I get into pajamas and climb into bed. I fall into a deep sleep that lasts the rest of the night. I wake up in the morning to a note on my nightstand and a small snack too.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your friend Chrissy. I'm sure she was a sweet girl. I never got to know her personally but she seeemed to have a positive attitude which is nice. I know you probably won't wanna talk or do anything for a while so I gave you a pear to at least get you to eat even something small. Luckily it is the weekend so you can stay in and do whatever you please. I hope you feel better. -love Nancy.

well that was sweet of her. I hope Dustin can figure this all out and get some answers today. We desprately need them.

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