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the door swings open and in comes Max, Dustin, Robin, Nancy, Will, Steve, and Mike. they enter and go to turn into the living room to see Eddie and I cuddling on the couch. I'm asleep in Eddie arms and he is playing with my hair.

"what the actual fuck" Robin stares at Eddie.

"hi there" Eddie turns to look over at them.

Nancy: "okay what? I swear he died."

Steve: "he definitely did. we all saw it."

Max: "so then why is he here?"

Eddie: "why don't you just ask me?"

Dustin: "there's no way, how are you alive?"

Will: "what is happening?"

Eddie explains everything to them and everyone stares at him and then changes their direction over to me, still cuddled up to him. Eddie nudges me awake and I just cuddle up closer to him. he nudges me again.

Eddie: "wake up darling. they are at the house."

Y/n: "but I'm comfortable."

Steve: "your also like not safe"

I jolt up and stare over at Steve who has his eyes stuck on Eddie. Dustin looks like he had just seen a ghost and decided to sit down. Max stares at me a little worried. I look between Steve and Eddie.

Y/n: "you really think he would hurt me?"

Steve: "I mean come on.. he literally drinks blood now"

Eddie: "that doesn't mean I would drink from her. I actually love her you know."

Nancy: "is the love strong enough to protect her?"

Eddie: "of course it is, I would never hurt her."

Robin: "okay.. good"

Will: "off topic what is on their necks?"

Max: "are you seriously that innocent Will?"

Steve: "those are Hickey's aren't they?"

Eddie: "of course they are. I made them."

Y/n: "just like I made his."

I turn towards Eddie and we look into each others eyes. his eyes dilate and change to red as he slightly licks his lips. Max walks over cautiously and pulls me away from him right away. he goes to stand up and he stares at everyone around the room.

Dustin: "Eddie..? you good?"

Eddie: "couldn't be better, but I'm hungry."

Dustin: "well what do you want? they have several things here."

Eddie laughs and walks closer to Dustin before looking him in the eyes. Steve goes and pulls Dustin behind him. Robin and I exchange a look with each other. 

"he isn't hungry for actual food.. he wants blood" I sigh.

"you smell delicious." he says walking over to Will.

"uh.. help?" Will looks over at everyone else.

"what do you expect us to do?" Robin says.

Steve goes to grab a bat that's leaning on a wall and goes to walk up behind Eddie but I walk over and grab it from his hands. he looks at me confused and tries to grab it back from me but I won't let him have it. I then walk over to Will and push him behind me and stand there staring into Eddie's blood red eyes.

Y/n: "Leave them alone Eds"

Eddie: "why would I do that, they are food."

Steve: "No we are not you idiot"

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