Corroded Coffin

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Warning: sex scene once again. Only recommend if your 16+ so be warned. if you are under that and don't like it or something then that on you as I have gave you a warning beforehand. (last scene like this.. we're getting to the end)

I wake up to a lot of music coming from the basement. I quickly change and get ready before heading down to see what all the noise is. when I walk down I see Jeff, Gareth, Eddie, and the other guy who never gave out his name all set up with instruments.

Gareth: "Hey Munson, your girls awake."

Eddie: "oh shit, I'm sorry if we woke you up."

Y/n: "its all good, its almost noon anyway."

Jeff: "we got our first gig coming up so we have to practice."

Y/n: "you did? I haven't even called around yet."

Unnamed freak: "One of Jeff's friends is having a party and wanted us there."

Y/n: "well that's great to hear! I would have gotten you guys some but its been hectic."

Gareth: "its no worry, we understand."

Eddie: "I'll be up in about an hour or two, okay?"

Y/n: "okay.. have fun"

I walk back upstairs to see Eleven and Mike arguing about Elevens obsession with Eggos. Mike is practically telling her she cant just eat those all the time and that she needs to eat other stuff too.

Mike: "they aren't healthy for every single meal!"

Eleven: "I had Pizza and other food when I was away, let me have Eggos."

Mike: "why don't you have cereal or something?"

Eleven: "I just want Eggos today"

Y/n: "Mike, let her eat what she wants. she doesn't eat Eggos all the time anymore I promise."

Mike: "how do you know?"

Y/n: "I've seen her eat other things, she doesn't just eat Eggos like she used to."

Eleven: "thank you Y/n"

There's a knock on the door so I go to get it. I see Joyce and Hopper standing in the doorway and nearly freak out. I thought Hopper died a while ago. I embrace them in a hug and then Eleven notices and comes to hug Hopper as she cries in his arms.

Joyce: "I see you kids are doing pretty well"

Y/n: "things could be better but were getting through it."

Eleven: "would you look at that, we are matching haircuts."

Hopper: "what happened to your hair? I thought it grew out."

I explain everything to them on what happened to Eleven, I tell them about Vecna, the accused murders. I even inform them about Eddie being a vampire which caught them by surprise, I had to tell them he's safe to be around. I even had to tell them that I'm actually dating him. they will have to meet at some point since they have almost no idea who he is. I pull Joyce aside to tell her about Will coming out. she cries at first and then tells everyone that she is going to head home to see her boys. Eleven goes back with Hopper to clean their house and get back on their feet as a family.

Eddie comes up from the basement and sneaks up behind me to scare me. he jumps out and grabs me which makes me scream.

Y/n: "seriously!"

Eddie: "yep, had to do it. anyway were done practicing but we have to head out soon for the gig"

Y/n: "alright, well you should go out and hunt before you go"

Eddie agrees so I take him out again and he finds someone to feed on and then makes them believe that an animal attacked them. this time it only took him 15 minutes to gain control which is much better than before. we both walk upstairs to get changed accordingly for the show. he changes into a leather jacket, a white tee and ripped jeans with a chain dangling from it. I change into something similar to match him but instead of jeans, I wear a skirt. we then all head out to the place. Upon arriving they set up and get ready to start right away. I tell them all good luck and then head into the crowd as I make my way up towards the front to get a good view.

they start playing a song called "Closer by Nine Inch Nails." it's actually pretty catchy. everyone is dancing and singing along with them. Eddie is the lead guitarist and vocalist. Gareth is on drums, and Jeff and the other guy are on guitar as well. they actually sound pretty good together.

"I wanna fuck you like an animal" Eddie says in a raspy voice staring directly at me. he then winks after finishing that line. instant butterflies. the song ends and he points to me and then points to the back. I make my way out of the crowd and head backstage where he is waiting for me. he uses a towel to clean all the sweat off from the lights beaming on him.

Y/n: "hello there Rockstar"

Eddie: "seriously? Rockstar?"

Y/n: "of course, did you see yourself out there? you belong on a stage."

Eddie: "I'm trying to make that happen at some point, we want to be on a stage every night"

we sit there talking for sometime and he chuckles before he lifts me onto a table and gently sinks his fangs into my neck. I put my arm around his neck as he breaks a tiny part of the skin causing it to bleed a tiny bit. he licks it up slowly. he then darts his eyes to my lips before crashing his onto mine. he places his hands on both my thighs as he trails them up my skirt, I let out a small whine and he whips his hand over my mouth immediately.

Eddie: "we don't need everyone hearing you, princess. your mine and only mine."

his hands reach the fabric of my underwear and he slides it over as he kneels down to use his tongue and fingers. he speeds up immediately and looks up at me as he continues.

Eddie: "my new speed comes in handy huh"

I roll my head back and he gets up from kneeling as he takes his belt off and pulls his pants and boxers down. I move closer to the edge of the table as he slides inside me and thrusts harder each time. I run my nails down his back leaving scratches and he exhales in pleasure as he is more sensitive to things. we start to hear footsteps so we quickly finish up what we were doing and make ourselves presentable again.

I go to get up but my legs are a bit shaky so Eddie wraps his arm around me to help me as he laughs under his breath so only I can hear it, I smack his arm slightly. Gareth walks in and notices us.

Gareth: "oh hey Y/n, what did you think of the band?"

Y/n: "you all did great, the song you guys did was catchy."

Gareth: "well were glad you enjoyed it, also you okay? you have some bruises.."

Eddie: "she fell in the uh crowd, she's okay."

Gareth: "that's not good, be careful next time. anyway we good to head home?"

Eddie: "yea your all set, see you later"

Gareth heads out and I turn towards Eddie.

Y/n: "I fell in the crowd, really? that's the best you could think of"

Eddie: "its believable, your clumsy."

Y/n: "says the one who literally trips all the time."

we both laugh and Eddie picks me up bridal style as he carries me out to the car even though I told him I could walk. we arrive home and eat dinner with Nancy and Mike. I then tell Eddie to go shower because he is full of sweat from the show. he complains but ends up showering anyway. I climb into bed and curl up with stuffed animal of mine as I wait for him. he comes in and turns the light off before climbing into bed. I turn over to him and he takes the stuffed animal from me and places it on the nightstand.

Eddie: "excuse you, you are supposed to cuddle up to me, not the stuffed animal."

Y/n: "its what I cuddled with for years."

Eddie: "yea? well now you have me."

I laugh and cuddle up close to him almost instantly falling asleep.

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