This is for you

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I wake up and instantly get dressed into my uniform and do my hair and a small amount of makeup. I put the initial "E" on my left wrist and on the right wrist I put "C" this is for them, especially Eddie. Max wakes up a few minutes after I finish and gets ready for the day as well. she then hugs me as my eyes gloss over again.

Max: "no crying, you got this."

Y/n: "its just hard."

Max: "I know it is, wipe those tears and lets head downstairs."

I wipe my tears and we both head downstairs to see Jonathan and Nancy sitting down at the table with my mother. they look a bit annoyed with her. I wonder what she did now.

Y/n: "what did mom do this time?"

Nancy: "she's assuming Jonathan and I messed around last night."

Jonathan: "she also still isn't happy about us wanting to go to college together."

Max: "well did you guys mess around last night?"

Nancy: "of course not"

Y/n: "they haven't had the time for that"

Mom: "Y/n why don't you tell them they shouldn't go to college together. you know your my favorite"

Y/n: "yea that's bullshit. also I don't see an issue with them going together. also I'm no angel."

Mom: "I know you aren't. you don't listen, what else is there?"

Y/n: "oh you know, I lost my virginity awhile ago."

mother looks at me shocked and tells me to get out of her house in disgust. Nancy chokes on her food after what I said and laughs under her breath. Max and I head out to hop onto our bikes as we laugh for some time. we arrive to the school before the rest of the group does so we hang out by the gym. after about 30 minutes Dustin walks inside the school.

Dustin: "morning"

Y/n: "morning, how you sleep?"

Dustin: "horrible, its hard to sleep."

Y/n: "I get it, its not the easiest thing to do after everything."

Max: "I think everyone is starting to enter, looks like were about to start."

Max and Dustin head over to the bleachers while I head over to my team. everyone is staring at me, could be for several reasons. maybe because I look upset? maybe they heard about Jason? who knows. don't have time to care because the music starts almost right away as the bleachers fill with people. I spot Robin, Nancy, Will, Mike, Eleven, Lucas, and Jonathan joining Max and Dustin on the bleachers. Robin holds up a small sign telling me to stay strong, I smile a bit at her for the sweet gesture.

25 minutes go by and were on the last part of the routine, we all pick up signs of people who passed away within the last few months and hold them high in the air. the ones holding them get picked up into the air. I end up holding Chrissy's which makes me happy, I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to have hers. the bell rings for the show to be over and the game to start, they place me onto the ground and we all run off. Eleven and Will meet me at the bottom of the bleachers.

Will: "you did amazing, that was really cool!"

Eleven: "is that dangerous at all?"

Y/n: "thanks Will. well it can be dangerous but its fun."

Eleven: "maybe I should try it one year."

Y/n: "I'm sure you'd do great, don't you agree Will?"

Will: "that's debatable, but yea go for it"

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