what a shocking day

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Jonathan: "okay.. Will why did you want Y/n and Robin to hear whatever your about to tell me?"

Will: "because they will understand me..."

Jonathan: "do you not think I'll understand you? I'm literally your brother."

Will: "you won't understand me in this topic of discussion."

Y/n: "okay what's going on?"

Robin: "I have no idea, I was told to come with them to your house."

Eddie: "Dude, just spit it out then if you wanted them around to hear it."

Will: "I will just give me a minute.."

Will looks down and Robin and I look at each other.

Will: "I don't think I'm into girls..."

Nancy: "what do you mean?"

Will: "I think.. I might be into guys."

Eddie: "well that's unexpected."

Robin: "and that's fine, you can love whoever."

Will: "I think I like Mike."

Y/n: "well shit, that changes a lot."

Jonathan: "I kind of had a feeling..."

Eddie: "so hold up a minute, you like your childhood friend?"

Will: "I think so but he's dating Eleven, and she's my bestfriend."

Robin: "well this just got much more complicated..."

Nancy: "unfortunately Will, your gonna have to live with that unless something happens."

Will: "like what?"

Y/n: "who knows. maybe they will break up or he could be interested in you."

Nancy: "I'm not so sure about that. they are like puppies in love."

Y/n: "I'm not so sure about that. Mike hasn't even told her that he loves her."

Eddie: "that's got to hurt"

Jonathan: "whatever happens just don't go between them, ok?"

Will: "I would never! I'm not like that."

Eddie heads up to my room for who knows what. I decide on making chocolate strawberries for everyone and making a milkshake for Will to cheer him up. Even though he isn't saying anything about it, I can tell he is a bit upset about the whole Mike thing. I get it though. I mean imagine always hanging out with your best friend and your childhood friend and then falling for him even though he has a girlfriend and then having to watch that relationship form. it just sucks and I hope he finds someone. I put the strawberries into the fridge for the chocolate to harden once finished and then go over to Will and hand him his milkshake, which he greatly appreciated as he gave me a small smile.

I hang out with them for some time and we all end up playing twister in the living room for some time. Jonathan and Nancy end up sitting on the couch to talk while Robin, Will, and I play the game. after almost an hour of laughing through the game I decide to head upstairs into my room. Upon walking upstairs and into my room I notice Eddie laying on my bed, as a strong scent of weed flows straight to my nose causing me to cough and go over to open a window.

Eddie: "hey there gorgeous."

Y/n: "hey, what did you come up here for?"

Eddie: "just to relax a bit." 

Y/n: "and smoking weed was relaxing to you?"

Eddie: "well yeah."

I shrug and go over to turn on "18 by Anarbor" and then walk over to my vanity to put on eyeliner. Eddie lifts his head to watch me apply it before he sits up and walks over to me.

Eddie: "what's that?"

Y/n: "Eyeliner. it draws more attention to the eyes. why, you want some?"

Eddie: "I don't know.. kind of?"

Y/n: "lets try it out on you then. here, sit down."

I get up off the chair and gesture for him to sit, he does. I tilt his head up so that its easier to see what I'm doing. I go to apply it and he squints his eyes causing it to almost go into his eye.

Y/n: "don't squint"

Eddie: "I'm trying not to"

I finish applying it and then put the eyeliner back where it was. he turns towards the mirror and gets close up to it in order to see how it looks.

Eddie: "I don't think it looks good on me at all"

Y/n: "really? I think you look hot."

Eddie: "was I not hot before?"

Y/n: "you were, but you just became more hot."

Eddie: "I see. I guess I'll keep it on then."

"so if you wanna piss off your parents. date me to scare them, show them your all grown up. if long hair and tattoos are what attract you, baby then you're in luck." it echoes in my room. Eddie watches me as I dance around the room laughing before the song ends. the next song then comes on which is "I wanna Know What Love Is by Foreigner."

his eyes are basically sparkling when he goes to get up off the chair and shockingly pulls me towards him as the song starts to play. he wraps his arms around my waist as I place mine around his neck. I rest my head lightly on his chest as we glide around the room. usually he wouldn't do this, cause this isn't his favorite Genre of music but I guess since he is high, he just decided to join.

the song ends and we both go to sit on the bed. he stares at me with pure joy in his eyes.

Y/n: "what?"

Eddie: "I am the luckiest person on earth."

Y/n: "really?"

Eddie: "mhm. I mean Y/n Wheeler who is also a cheerleader decides to date the Freak? that's luck."

Y/n: "your not a freak Eds. I think I got lucky if anything."

Eddie: "I am a freak and that's okay, I have accepted the name. why do you think your lucky?"

Y/n: "I'm getting the loving side of Eddie Munson, that says a lot."

I lean in to kiss him and he does the exact same. when we pull away we both end up smiling and Eddie turns pure red in the face along with me.

Y/n: "aww are you blushing"

Eddie: "shut up! we don't talk about it."

Y/n: "you're so adorable, I swear."

Eddie: "so are you darling."

he strips down to just his boxers before he climbs into the bed. I change into his hellfire shirt and then climb into bed as well. he instantly pulls me towards him and slightly sinks his fangs into my shoulder without tapping a vein, he then kisses the exact spot he sunk his fangs in.

Y/n: "you and this fang thing, my god."

Eddie: "I mean hey, might as well make use for them. are you complaining?"

Y/n: "never"

Eddie: "good. I see you still have my hellfire shirt, can I have that back anytime soon?"

Y/n: "nope its mine!"

Eddie: "fine, I'll just get another one. it looks better on you anyway."

I turn over to face him and lay my head on his chest. he has his arm wrapped around me and is looking at me with pure love in his eyes. I smile and cuddle right up to his chest before falling asleep. he falls asleep not long after.

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