Be a good girl for me

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(warning! this has a kind of explicit sex scene in it. Like the description of the story had stated. there are mature themes and language. please be aware. this page might seem a bit rushed so I apologize as it was really awkward to type so I was just trying to finish it asap. I only recommend this page to be read if you are 16 or older. if you want to read it and you are under that recommendation then that is your business but it was your choice to do so, so do not get mad at me if you do not like it!)

Eleven leaves the room she was told to stay in, she finds Peter covered in blood and almost everyone dead. after some time he tells her about everything, about his family, his powers, everything. how he was the one killing people and he had planned for his fathers arrest as his father was accused of the murder of his sisters and mother. they then fight against each other and its a constant back and forth. Eleven breaks through and fights back which pushes him into a gate that is opened and he disintegrates as he enters it.

Back in Hawkins, it has been one day since the Lover's Lake situation, Dustin and Lucas were able to communicate with the others in the upside down by using lights and were able to help them out. Steve has been recovering since he got back. Robin and Nancy stop by his place once in awhile. Nancy is starting to worry about Jonathan since she hasn't heard from him in a while now. Eddie ended up arriving at my door early this morning which caught me by surprise however.. I was not happy with him at all. Nancy had spent the night at a friends house and wont be home for a while.

I open the door letting him in and then go to the kitchen for a drink without saying anything to him. he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and plants a kiss on my cheek.

Y/n: "what do you think your doing?" I flip around.

Eddie: "um... kissing you?"

Y/n: "well don't"

Eddie: "come on y/n you can't be mad at me for telling you to stay with the others."

Y/n: "oh but I can be and I am."

Eddie: "why are you mad about it?"

Y/n: "because you said it wasn't safe, yet you go!"

Eddie: "well I am back, and I'm fine."

Y/n: "you are but I'm still mad, its either both of us or neither of us go-"

Eddie wraps his left hand around my throat as he starts to plant kisses down my neck, causing me to stop talking and my breathing to become shaky. he chuckles and whispers into my ear.

Eddie: "oh, your mad at me?"

Y/n: "yep..." I whisper.

Eddie: "do you want me to stop?"

I shake my head no.. he picks me up and carries me to my bedroom shutting the door. I slide my hands under his shirt and lift it off him, he does the same with mine which reveals my tattoo, he brushes his hand over the little black heart with devil horns on it. I smile up at him and push him onto the bed straddling him. he raises an eyebrow at me.

Eddie: "oh no no y/n, I'm top." he grabs my waist and flips me over onto the bed.

I grab his belt loop and pull him down closer to me.

"easy there princess." he chuckles as he leans down to kiss me with his necklace dangling from his neck, my nails digging into his back leaving small red scars. we both take our pants off and he goes silent for a second taking all of me in. he stands up and then pulls me down to the edge of the bed as he demands me to spread my legs open, so I do just that.

as warmth is traveling through my body I feel him planting soft kisses on my inner thigh leaving marks that nobody can see other than us. my breathing increases per second. he reaches my underwear and looks up at me, I nod. he slides the fabric over as he pushes his index and middle finger into me. I bite my lip, trying to stop anything from coming from my mouth. after some time he stops and I go to sit up, he then unclips my bra with one hand.

I lick my lips and get onto my knees in front of him unbuckling his belt and sliding his pants straight off. I look up at him and go to slide his boxers down. he throws his head back as I insert the tip into my mouth. he moves his hand and runs it through my hair.

"just like that darling, your doing great." he praises me.

I stop as he goes to lift me up off my knees and around his waist instead. he plants me onto the bed once again and pins my arms above my head as he inserts the tip of himself inside me, causing me to let out a whine. he then goes to insert all of him and thrusts faster and harder each time. I turn my head as my face turns red, I feel his cold rings cup under my chin as he goes to turn my head, forcing me to look at him in the eyes.

"Eddie.." a moan escapes my mouth.

"are you enjoying yourself darling?"

"mhm.." I nod.

"use your words, y/n" he says looking straight into my soul practically.

"yes" I barely choke out.

he pulls out and lays down next to me, motioning for me to go on top of him for this one thing. the room has basically turned into a sauna with how warm it got in here. I climb on top of him and start to ride him which makes him groan, his hands exploring up my body.

I start to pick up the pace a little bit. I lean down and kiss him as his hands grasp my hips tighter which causes me to moan into his mouth. I feel a smile from him forming as he kisses me back.

he flips me over and he goes down on me with no hesitation at all. he goes to grab an ice cube from a nearby cup and drags it up my inner thigh and lets it melt over my clit, making me squirm. he smirks and starts rubbing my clit as it melts. he starts off slow but his speed starts to progress.

"Eddie! I'm gonna come.." I squirm barely getting the sentence out. 

"just let it happen darling... I'm right here with you" he says.

I hesitate but decide to give in, which causes my eyesight to blur. I feel his tongue licking it all up as he gets every last drop. he comes back up and has me get on my knees and open my mouth as he finishes. he tells me to swallow, I look up at him unsure at first but I decide to do it anyway. we both climb back onto the bed and lay down breathing super heavily as we intertwine our fingers. 

"well.. you felt and tasted amazing." he chuckles.

"oh my god we actually just did that." I put my hands over my face.

after about 10 minutes of laying there he gets up and puts his boxers and pants back on, I put my bra, underwear, a pair of shorts and his hellfire shirt on. he comes over to me and I look away from him instantly, he turns my head to look at him, he laughs as my face has turned a bright red.

"don't be getting all shy now, Love" he says leaning down to kiss my forehead.

we both walk downstairs to the kitchen to get ice cream and drinks before going to the living room to watch a movie, he cuddles me the whole time making sure I know that he loves me. I put a small amount of ice cream on my finger and dab it on the tip of his nose, I giggle and he smiles at me before wiping it off.

Eddie: "I knew you wouldn't be able to stay mad at me"

Y/n: "oh shut up!" I tap his leg playfully.

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