Chapter 19~Zayn & Harry's trip

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Harry's P.O.V

I shove Zayn in the shotgun seat of my car. I had enough with his bullshit. I had to do something about this. I hated seeing my friends suffer. Especially if one of my other 'friend's was causing it. I couldn't handle seeing Isabel in tears again. Niall couldn't come because he had to stay with his lover. They weren't dating but we all know he has a thing for her. I laugh a little to myself.

"Where the hell are you taking me Harry!Take me back to Isabel!!" He yells.

"Shut up." I say a bit quietly.

"I need to see her again. I need her. I haven't-" He starts saying.

"SHUT UP ZAYN!" I scream, frustrated at his nonsense.

He just stares at me.

"You know that Isabel means nothing to you! You just want her body. You don't want her heart. You won't take care of her! You haven't seen how she's been these last few weeks! You wanna know how she's doing? Never mind because you just wouldn't give a shit, right? Cuz you think every girl is like Emily? Well you're wrong. There's many wonderful girls out there. But your too much of a dumbass and selfish to even remember what true love is!" I spat angrily.

"IM OVER EMILY! I TOLD YOU-" He starts saying but I cut him off again.

"NO YOUR NOT ! You're not over her. And you need to move on, Zayn. You need to know what love actually is. And that's exactly what I'm going to make you see." I say gripping the steering wheel.

He doesn't say anything and just sits quietly during the whole ride.

We have a long way to go but it's going to be worth it. I know it.


I soon find myself parking at a gas station. Damn car, now was not the time.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Gas." Is all I reply.

I get out of the car and walk inside the gas station, getting in the line as I take out 40 dollars. Soon it's my turn and I'm about to tell the man but I turn around and see my car driving off...?!!

"Shit." I say under my breath.

I quickly run out and see a cab. I get inside not caring if he had a customer already.

"Follow that vehicle."I tell him handing him money quickly.

He does as I say and we chase Zayn for a while.

What the hell was wrong with him? Was he running away from this? I was going to catch up eventually. The car had been signaling that it needed more fuel. Zayn is such a poor jerk. I needed to help him as soon as possible. He can't stay like this any longer.

I see my car stop and I get out as the cab drives off.

"WHAT THE FUCK ZAYN?!" I scream, taking him out of the driver's seat.

"Leave me alone, Harry. I don't need your help!" He yells back walking away.

"Where are you going?!" I yell as he walks towards the road.

I run , catching up to him and grab his shoulders to look him in the eye.

"Listen, Zayn. I can help you. You can't keep being this way. You can't continue your awful habit. You're still broken because of Emily. And I know you're in denial. Just let me help you, Zayn. You're suffering just as much as Isabel. That's why you do this. That's why you hurt other people. To make yourself feel better. But you're actually just hurting yourself and other people. You're hurting everyone, Zayn." I say.

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