Chapter 35~Trust

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Niall's P.OV

When she ended the call my heart sank and I felt really guilty for screaming the way I did.

Even Liam came in to see what was going on. I told him what happened and he told me to apologize and that I was overreacting. She hadn't even said she thought I was cheating on her. She was calm about this until I started being annoying. I'm so stupid.

I tried calling her back but she wouldn't answer. I hope she didn't think I was calling back to yell. I wanted to apologize for being an arse. I hate it when we fight.

When I try one last time I'm about to shut the screen but I see she answers so I open it up as soon as I see her face on the screen.

"Princess I-" I start to say but she cuts me off.

"Don't call me princess right now. If you want to argue again, that's gonna have to wait because I have a HUGE headache and arguing isn't going to help." She says closing her eyes and putting her fingers on her temples.

"No, Love. I wanted to apologize." I start to say and she opens her eyes to look at me again.

"I'm so sorry for screaming and getting mad. It's my fault. I didn't even let you explain anything. I just jumped to conclusions. Which was stupid." I admit and I see her smile a bit.

"Yeah you were being stupid," She replies, making me chuckle.

"It's okay, Niall.I'm glad you realized that so quickly!" She says.

"Well Liam sorta helped me see the truth." I say laughing and she playfully rolls her eyes. She looks so cute when she does that. She looks cute whenever she does anything.

"I was just upset not because I thought you actually cheated on me, but because I'm scared you won't stay in love with me. Demi is one of the many beautiful and perfect girls out there that can make you happy. And I'm just an unimportant New Yorker that isn't beautiful or rich or has flawless features" She admits, fiddling with her thumbs again.

"Exactly. You're not a perfect person. But you're perfect to me. You're flaws are cute and you are beautiful, love. I love you because you're you. You're the most funniest,coolest,nicest,


Fantastic human being in the universe. And the list can go on and on. You make me happy Please stop being so insecure because you're perfect to me. And I will always love you. My love for you is endless." I say not thinking about what I'm saying. I'm just saying how I feel. Which is so true.

I see her face lit up and she finally smiles her real smile. Her beautiful smile and I see a spark in her eyes.

"I love you too,Niall Horan. You're the most beautiful person. Inside and out." She replies and I see a tear roll down her cheek.

"Aww,babe. Don't cry." I say wanting so badly to hold her tight in my arms and never let go.

"These are tears of joy" she says smiling.

"Isabel, Promise me that we'll have 100% trust in this relationship." I Say yawning.

"I promise." She replies smiling at the promise I've come up with.

OH! I was gonna tell her some good news! We've been arguing and apologizing so much on Skype that I forgot to mention it.

"Oh yeah and I have something to tell you." I say getting prepared for her reaction.

"Something very very very important and it's good news!" I add, smiling wide.

"What is it,Nialler?" She asks getting excited.

"I GET TO SEE YOU THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!" I scream not caring if the boys heard me.

She literally froze.

"Isabel?You okay?" I say laughing a bit at her reaction.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm great! More than great! REALLY?! YOU SHOULD'VE MENTIONED IT BEFORE!!Why?! I'm not complaining I'm curious!" She says jumping a 'little'.

"Well I managed to get me a break so you can meet my parents." And when I said that,I regretted blurting it out because she spit her water out from her cup.

"Sorry" I say flinching a little.

"WHAT?!" She manages to say after cleaning up.

"Yeah,why not? I want them to meet the girl of my dreams." I smile.

"That's flattering but what if they don't like me?" She says running her hands through hair, speaking more to herself than me.

"Love, they'll love you. You're a very loveable girl." I say winking making her smile and blush.

"If you say so. I'm Really excited to see you again!!!" She says smiling the biggest smile ever.

"I am too!" I say showing just as much as excitement.

"Good now I think we should both get some rest." I add.

"Okayyyy" She groans.

"Goodnight beautiful. Sleep well. I love you." I say blowing a kiss.

"We're so chessy." She says catching it and laughing.

"Goodnight. I love you so much too." She finally says and she ends the call.

I put my laptop away and fall back asleep with Isabel in my dreams. Yes I dream about my girlfriend. It's normal.

I wish I could actually have her with me right now already. But I obviously can't ditch the tour as much as I would want too. I love love loveeee the fans but it's so tempting to go see my princess.


Surprise! Nisabel will be reunited :D!

So what do ya think? Comment and vote if you'd like! Update on Wednesday! K bye :)


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