Chapter 42~Stronger Than You Think

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Helloooooo! How are you all doing? :-) Louis' point of view


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Louis' P.O.V

I highly doubt that whoever has Isabel will not get punished. Niall keeps losing hope and we talk to him about it because that always helps him feel better.

I actually feel that I have the most faith in finding Isabel. I have this big feeling in my chest that we'll find her. It might take some time,we might find her tomorrow,but anyway we will find her.

It's been about 2 weeks when we last saw her. We are all very worried,but I feel that I have to stay strong. Annie seems to be taking this very rough. She cries every night and I can't blame her. I mean how would you react if your sister was stolen?

Liam,Harry,and Perrie are the most calm. Of coarse they worry just as much as us,but they know that crying and being angry won't help. In fact it'll make it worse,staying strong is always the best. It'll make everything less stressful and it's just good for you.

This is a massive situation to deal with so that's why we need to stay calm and keep our eyes open. If we're crying, our eyes will be blurry and we won't see if someone might attack us! I might be exaggerating, but it's a possibility! Who knows why the kidnapper chose Isabel to get! Whatever the reason, it's insane!

Niall's P.O.V

I was getting more frustrated and frustrated by the second. There was absolutely no sign of finding Isabel,but I just gained a lot of hope by having some serious talks with the boys and girls. I couldn't let it go down the drain just because we weren't finding her as soon as I wanted it to be!

"Patience Niall,patience. Remember what Louis told you." I reminded myself.

"I know you hear this a lot,mate but it's the truth. We are going to find Isabel not only because she's your girlfriend,but also because WE love her! We're all family here and she's a part of it. I'm not losing my little sister." I thought back to Louis' wise words.

The other girls and lads had also told me so many times that we will find her and I appreciate it because they know I'm the one having the hardest time coping with this. I's been 4 days and we still haven't got a single trace!

You would think that with today's technology, we would at least have some sort of clue,but we've got nothing! Not one clue! Which is very pissing !

We're stronger than you think. Our love is way more powerful than who ever kidnapped Isabel. We really are very strong. No matter how much hate and rumors come up,we get through it. I mean yeah the fights do get spicy, but we make up quickly.

Now that I'm alone and without her,how the hell am I supposed to live?! I lived without her before,but it's not the same. I really feel like something is missing when I'm not with her.

My life is not the same. It has made a complete turn. I'm not the same person- yet I still am at the same time. She's just helped me turn into a person that I really enjoy being. So yes,Isabel is my other half. And I miss her so goddamn much....


Poor Niall :( So update is earlier than expected :D Kinda short and a filler :( just thoughts everywhere xD

I've got "Set This World On Fire" by the Janoskians stuck in my head,but I'm not complaining<3 ;) ha. What's your favorite all time song?

Next update on........Friday ? Idk K comment and vote if you want thank you! xx :)


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