Chapter 21~Forgiveness

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Isabel's P.O.V

I woke up alone today. Well only Annie and I were home today. Everyone was busy. And I had to get back to work.

That was okay though. They all had heir lives to live still. I can't keep them from doing what they love and had to do. Besides I was feeling way better. I think this heartbreak made me stronger. My friends also made me stronger. I guess there sometimes is a benefit in the end of a relationship.

I get up and shower. Getting out faster than usual. I grab something casual to wear. Changing quickly into it. My stomach growls and I serve myself some cereal. Annie wasn't up yet so I just watch tv. Nothing good was on but I finally settled on How I Met Your Mother.

My phone rings and I put my cereal bowl down to answer it. I wonder who could be calling? I answer the call and here a British accent at the end of the line.

"Hello?" He says.

"Hi , Zayn." I reply.

"Isabel. I need to talk to you " Is all he says.

"Why." I say a bit nervous.

"Can I just come over in hour?" Zayn asks.

"Sure." I reply not that sure.

"I'm almost done with a couple solos, so I'll see you afterwards." He explains.

"Ok." I say.

"Bye." He says hanging up, not letting me say goodbye.

I go in my room,grab a piece of paper,a pencil, and some tea. Going to my room to write.

I needed this.


-Two Hours Later-

I finish the song with a "So we can start it all over again."

These lyrics have been on my mind for a while and I wanted to jot it down. I also wrote C'mon C'mon. I think that was enough for today. Although I still needed to edit some words in Over Again. The word choices were a bit poor and could be done better. Eh, I'll deal with that another day.

I get up and walk to Annie's room.Seeing that she is reading a book. A different set of books this time. She had returned all the other ones already.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her leaning in the doorway.

"Um yeah." She replies smiling with her teeth.

"Okay." I say laughing and going in to the kitchen to make her something.

I pull out a peach,pineapple, watermelon,cantaloupe and grapes.

I slice the peach,watermelon, and cantaloupe putting it in a small bowl.

I grab the pineapple to slice but I accidentally cut my finger when I hear a knock in the door.

"Shit." I curse under my breath.

I need to calm down. It's just Zayn. Zayn. The one who-........He's changing. He's not a bad person anymore. At least he's trying.

"It's going to be alright." I hear Niall's words in my head.

I give the bowl to Annie in her room and I breathe before opening the door.

"Hi." He says ,smiling awkwardly.

"Hi,Come in." I say stepping aside as he walks in.

He sits on the two seat couch and I sit opposite on the one seat couch.

He sighs before he speaks.

"Isabel," He pauses.

"I'm so sorry for what I did. I was such a jerk for what I did to you. You definitely didn't deserve this. No one does. Just because Emily did what she did,doesn't mean everyone has to go through the same thing. And I realize that now. Thanks to Harry and Perrie. It makes it even worse that I did it intentionally. And I am truly sorry for that. I'm being completely honest with you. Please believe me when I tell you that I'm sorry. You don't know how I feel right now. I feel like the biggest ass in the world," He tells me, pausing.

"You don't have to forgive me now. I'm still trying to forgive myself. I just want you to know that I am sincerely sorry. Just believe that, please." He says very ashamed.

I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is being honest. I see that Zayn is truly sorry for what he did. But I just can't forgive him. At least not yet.

"Zayn," I start to say, thinking carefully for the correct words.

"I can't accept your apology." I tell him and he frowns.

"But I believe you. And I know you are trying your best to change. Which You are doing a really good job at. Coming here and apologizing to me in my face is a huge step for your change. I know you are giving a lot of effort, so I think time, you will regain my trust," I say smiling and making him smile so wide.

"And I have a feeling that you will gain it. But we can't be together again. I think we both know we weren't meant to be. It won't be the same anymore." I tell him.

"I understand. Besides I think you have an admirer already." He says wiggling his eyebrows and laughing.

"What?!Who?!" I ask, now with a smile on my face.

"You've got to be kidding, Isabel." He playfully rolling his eyes.

What the hell!!

"What?!" I say.

"Well....I know you have a crush on Perrie!" I add.

His cheeks turn red and I laugh.

"Yeah I see the way you look at her." I tease him laughing.

I know Zayn and I can learn to be very good friends again. Nothing more . Nothing less. We just need time. Eventually we will be very close maybe not like before, but we'll learn to be friends again. Who could he be talking about? Who is my 'admirer' ?


Haha! What do you think about this one? Comment and vote if you want to! Bye!


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