Chapter 24~Girl Talk

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Isabel's P.O.V

It was 8:00 pm. Annie was at a friends house tonight, so I didn't need to worry much about her.

Arriving at the flat, I walk inside. As soon as I knock once, the door opens and I am greeted by a beautiful brunette.

"Hi El.Is Danielle here yet?" I ask her, smiling.

"Helloooo. Yeah she's here." She replies as I walk in.

I had texted them to meet at Eleanor's flat so we could talk. Well mostly so I could ask them what I should do. These girls are like family so I trusted them with everything.

I needed to talk to them. I needed their advice. I couldn't ask Niall since.......well the problem has to do with Niall!

"Hi Dani." I greet.

"Hellooo." She smiles back.

"So, what do we need to talk about." Eleanor says sitting down on the couch.

"Tea?" Eleanor asks me.

"Please." I respond.

"Well First, what have you guys been up to? Still enjoying the modeling and dancing?" I ask them, smiling and raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah! The finals are going great in the X Factor." Danielle replies.

"And I'm getting a new set of outfits next week!"Eleanor squeals excited and we just laugh.

"That's great that you guys are having fun. The boys are almost done with the album. They recorded most of the solos. I just need to write the bonus tracks." I tell them and they nod understandingly.

"So Isabel. Is there something going on between you and.....Niall?" Eleanor asks.

"Actually thats why I needed to talk you guys. I need advice," I tell them.

"Yesterday, Niall came over and told me that he loves me." I explain and they get so happy.

"That's wonderful! You two are finally together!" Danielle screams.

"Finally?" I say confused.

"Come on. Everyone knows you to love each other." Eleanor says.

"Well, I'm not sure if I do." I say looking down.

"Love, Do you have feelings for Niall?" Eleanor asks seriously.

"I think so?" I reply.

"You think so? Babe, You have to know if you like him. You say you're best friends but you're actually more than that. I think you may like him more than a friend. Do you get nervous when you talk? Do you feel those butterflies? " Danielle explains.

"Just give him a chance, Isabel. One chance. That's all you guys need. A chance for your love. " Eleanor adds, but that doesn't convince me and Dani notices that.

"Look, Isabel..... I know Zayn gave you an extremely hard time, but babe, you have to know that Niall will not cause you the same thing. You out of everyone should know that. You are his best friend aren't you? Niall is such a sweet and caring lad. He won't break you. I promise." Danielle sincerely says and El agrees.

She was right. They are both right. I needed to take this risk. I can't deny these feelings. It's not healthy. How could I have been so stupid? He isn't my best friend. Well he is,but he is also more than that. I'm sick of making the wrong decisions. I truly am. Fucking ,It bothers me so much that I'm so blind! I didn't know my first guy was cheating on me. I didn't see who Zayn truly was at first. I didn't see how Niall had a huge crush on me. I'm always wrong. And the consequences of my actions was suffering. I am so not about to suffer again. And I'm being so selfish about this! I'm not the only one suffering. I'm hurting Niall by rejecting him. How painful could that be? Wow,I'm such a stupid fucking idiot. I'm going to take these girl's advice. It's for the best.

That time when him and Chloe were together, that made me upset. Wanting to hold his hand. It felt so right. I don't want him to leave for a reason. And that reason is because I love him.

"I do like Niall. A lot. I'm just afraid." I confess.

"Of what? That he'll break you, like Zayn? Isabel, Not all men are the same. Niall is a very sweet boy that cares for you very very much. He won't hurt you. Trust me. Trust him." Eleanor tells me.

"And if he does? If he does hurt me?" I ask.

"We'll kick his bloody arse!" Danielle says making us laugh as well.

"But he won't, Isabel." Danielle says grabbing my hands.

"He's a nice bloke. He'll treat you right. I know it." Eleanor says and Danielle nods in agreement.

"Where are you going?" Eleanor asks as I grab my bag and head towards the door.

"I'm gonna go see him.....I'm gonna go see Niall." I reply smiling wide.

"So you admit you're in love with Niall??!!" Eleanor asks excited.

"I think I always had a slight crush on him." I respond, opening the door.

"Isn't it a bit late to go see him, Isabel?" Eleanor asks.

"Eleanor,It's never too late for love." Danielle tells her.

"Thank you so much girls. I know I can count on you with everything. I'm here if you need me as well." I tell them.

"Of coarse, Isabel! Now go! Go!" Eleanor says smiling and throws a pillow behind me as I close the door.

They were right. I could trust Niall. I just couldn't realize that. I have to take a chance. But this time. I know it's the right decision. Niall is the right decision. I know it.

I get in my car and drive quickly to Niall's flat.


I arrive at his flat. Checking the time on my phone and it reads, 11:00 pm.

Wow, This is crazy but it's worth it. I don't even realize my hands sweaty until I touch the car's door handle.

How can I tell him that I love him too? 'Oh hey Niall well I change my mind, I love you too, I was just in denial.'?? Ugh I'm not prepared for this. It's eleven o'clock at night he's probably sleeping. I should tell him tomorrow, instead. But Zayn said they had to go record some more. He wouldn't be at home tomorrow. Or the day after that. And who knows, maybe he wont be availabe till next week! Dammit. I think too much. I just need to follow my heart. Do what I FEEL is right. And with that thought,I knock on the door. And after a couple more knocks, I hear footsteps.


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