Chapter 29~Bad news

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Isabel's P.O.V

It's been two weeks and I still haven't seen Niall. He's just been so busy with the album. Having to go to many interviews,radio stations, signings, and rehearsing for the tour. His schedule's just been so tight and I don't fit in his schedule. He doesn't have time for me. All I did was sit in the living room eating food and watching movies all day. If this is what it's like and it's only been two weeks. Then I'm going to dieeee. I can't stand being away from Niall this long. But I guess I'm just gonna have to.

I hear a knock on the door and I immediately


The reason I jumped was because I was taken by surprise. I haven't had anyone in this flat(excluding Annie) since Niall was here.

The last time I had any visitors was when Niall came over. But that was two weeks ago. Who could it be now? The girls were all super busy. Perrie still performing in the X factor and of coarse with Danielle dancing in the X factor. Eleanor had texted me saying she was modeling for a new agency. And I know the boys were also busy rehearsing. Probably gonna be doing that for a while.

When I open the door my mouth drops.

It was Niall.

"Niall." I say in a low whisper.

He hugs me tight and we just stand there ,hugging the life out of each other.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers in my ear.

"I'm sorry I'm causing you to suffer." He adds.

"Niall,It's okay. I understand you're so busy and you have to get ready for the tour and do the meet and greets' and interviews to talk about the album and you have a big celebrity life and you just don't have time for me anymore..." I trail off almost in tears.

"I know and I'm so sorry. But that's not all I'm apologizing for." He says pulling back to look me in the eye.

I feel my heart race faster, making me nervous.

I sit down on the couch and he sits across from me,holding my hands.

"The boys and I are done with rehearsals. And." He pauses.

"The tour has sold out. And." He says taking a deep breath.

"We're leaving for the tour." He finishes and his eyes look red like he's been crying.

I feel my heart fall. I feel more pain than I was feeling a couple minutes ago. I wasn't expecting Niall too leave this soon. I have already gotten used to only seeing him a few times. Now I have to wait basically a year?! I felt like crying right here, right now. I feel like crying an entire ocean now. But I just have to stay strong. For Niall.

"When are you leaving?" I say,expressionless.

"We're leaving on a Monday....." He responds looking down.

"Niall..." I say lifting his chin up,scared of his answer to my question.

"This Monday?" I ask, with a lump in my throat.

"I swear,Isabel. I just found out today." He replies.

I hold back tears and swallow. So I only had Niall with me for the rest of today and the whole day tomorrow. One and a half day with Niall. That's not enough.

"At least we have like 36 hours together!" He says smiling wide.

I try to smile back but I can barely accept the fact that he's leaving so soon. He's leaving this Monday! It's Saturday!

"Yes. And you're staying here all day today and tomorrow!" I say hugging him.

"Of coarse. Definitely. I just want to be with you." He tells me wrapping his arms around me.

"Isabel?" He asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Where's Annie?" He asks.

"She's working on her art project for Tate Modern." I respond pointing to her room.

He just nods.

"So are you excited? For the tour." I ask.

"Oh yeah, Of coarse. You know we love our fans and we appreciate them so much. They made our career and that's just incredible. We love performing for them. It's the least they deserve." He responds.

"When are you thinking of starting another album?" I ask, curious on the topic.

"I think it's too soon to be thinking about that." He laughs.

"But maybe we'll start after the tour. Maybe." He adds.

"If we do, you are most definitely going to work with us." He tells me, making me smile.

"Do you miss your family?" I ask after a short moment of silence.

"Definitely. I miss my family and friends in Ireland. Every time we visit Ireland I try and spend every second I have with them. Sometimes my mum comes and visits from Ireland but it's not same." He tells me.

"Exactly,why did you move here?" He asks. But not offensively.

"I thought that leaving the US would be a good thing. I thought that I could leave behind the memories of suffering over our parents and my ex. I didn't want to forget about our parents,I just wanted to get over it. You know,I just wanted to forget about that and Leave it in the past. Which I have accomplished. Plus Annie was a huge fan of you guys and said you guys are very successful. And dating Zayn just made me think I made the right choice this time,but I was wrong. I know he changed and I'm his friend now. But it made me so depressed that I made the wrong choice in giving my heart to Zayn and trusting him with it. I just thought it was what mom and dad would want. But it's all in the past. Now,I have you and I realized that you were always there. From day 1 in London. You were there no matter what. You were there when I dated Zayn even if it hurt you. You were there when I was broken because of Zayn. And you're still here now. And I'm just so glad that I have you. And I made the right choice this time. Sometimes rushing in to a relationship can make you or break you. In this case, it was the best choice I ever made in my life. And I will never forget that." I answer completely honest kissing him softly.

"And I will always be here. I will definitely never leave you. I can't live my life without you. I don't care what it takes. I'm always going to be yours." He says,holding me tight in his arms.

"Am I asleep,Am I awake or somewhere I between. I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me. Or did I dream that we were perfectly in twine. Like branches on a tree or twigs caught on a vine. Like all those days and weeks I tried to steal a kiss and all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this. I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl. And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world. Truly,Madly,Deeply, I am." He trails off singing quietly in my ear for the first time.

It's so much better hearing him sing in person instead of hearing it with autotune. Maybe it's because I know he feels that way towards me. And it's just a great feeling. Whatever the reason is, Niall is a great singer.

I soon fall asleep with his angelic voice still singing in my ear, in his arms. Where I belong.


Sad but sweet,right ? :) I hope you agree. Comment and vote if you'd like.


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