Chapter 13~Promises and Irrisistible

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Hi Guys! Isabel's,Zayn's,and Niall's point of view ! :)


Isabel's P.O.V

It's been a week and I still haven't had the guts to ask Niall if he liked me. I don't think he did. We were just best friends and I don't think that Niall has a problem with that.

I should go over and tell him today. As soon as I finish writing the song I had started the day before yesterday. I wrote it because it pretty much described the way I feel about Zayn.

I grabbed the paper and started to add more words to it.

"It makes your lips so kissable and your kiss unmissable. You fingertips so touchable and your eyes,your eyes,your eyes,your eyes,your eyes."

I wanted to end the song with the song title,but the problem was....I don't have a song title.

I put that away,grabbed my robe and towel, and stepped into the bathroom to shower.


After I got out I was still stuck with a song title. I didn't know what to call it!

I go to Annie's room and see that she's reading a book.

"Annie?" I tell her,gaining her attention.

She looks up.

"Wanna go to the library and get you some new books? It must get boring,reading the same books all the time." I offer,smiling.

She smiles in return and gets up quickly.

Although I remember seeing a library around here, I don't exactly remember where it's at.

"Come on,lets go." I tell her, taking out my hand for her to take.

"Okay." She replies,taking my hand.

When we get in my car,I start driving around looking for one.

I start getting frustrated like when I couldn't find that Ice Cream shop,but I soon park my car in the library parking lot.

We get off and Annie has to purchase a library card for a dollar. When I pay I sit at a round table,near a corner and wait for Annie to find a couple of books.

This should give me time to think about how I'm going to ask Niall. How the hell am I supposed to say it?! 'Oh hey Niall, Your a big fat liar and By the way do you have a crush on me?' I couldn't ask him! What if he doesn't have a crush on me and I'm just jumping to conclusions! I'm just gonna make myself look like an idiot! and I'm just gonna embarrass myself !But why else could he keep saying that Zayn has a terrible history with girls? Zayn can't be lying. I know he's an honest guy and he would definitely not lie to me. I jump back into reality as soon as I see Annie with a stack load of books in her hands. I quickly give her a hand with them and she checks them out,not having to return it till the end of the month. So in April.

We hop back in to the car and I text Niall if I can come over with Annie.

"Coarse you can!" He replies.

I drive us to Niall's flat in no time. Annie has about 5 picture books in her hands,planning to read them in Niall's flat. I knock on the blonde-haired's door and he opens it,smiling as soon as he sees me and Annie.

He hugs both of us and we walk in.

"You gonna have some reading time Annie?" He asks my sister.

"Mhm." Is all she replies.

"You can go ahead and read in my room. It'll be more comfortable than reading on the dining table." He says laughing.

She smiles and nods walking into his room and leaving the door a bit open.

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