Chapter 49~I'll Take Care Of You

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Hi! Thank you thank you thank you for 8K reads!!!!!! :) I'm so happy people actually want to read this. Hope you enjoy this sweet chapter ;)


Isabel's P.O.V

When Zayn came out of the lab he looked nervous.

"You okay?" Harry asked him, always being the caring one.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous if the blood donation will help." He responded.

"Don't sweat about it. It'll work out. He'll be good." Perrie said hugging his arm and kissing his shoulder.

I was pretty worried too. I know Zayn helped a lot, but you never know. Something could go wrong.

"Isabel, do you want to go get a coffee or something to eat in the cafeteria? I'm sure you're hungry. Did the lowlife bastards feed you at least?" Louis offered.

"Just bread and milk,but I'm not gonna be able to eat because Niall," Is all I have to say to him.

"C'mon don't worry about him. It's not healthy to not eat." He replies.

"He's right, Isabel. You're stomach needs something. In fact, I'll go get you a nice warm dinner." Liam interferes.

"Thank you." I smile a bit.

After Liam left a nurse came up to us with a smile.

"Hi, My name is Janet and I am Niall Horan's nurse for the night. I was wondering if you wanted to use the shower?" Se asked politely.

"With all due respect of coarse. I mean... you look uncomfortable and stressed. I thought you might've wanted to take a good shower." She adds, quickly not losing her smile.

"But I don't have any clot-" I start to say, but Danielle interrupts.

"I think Eleanor and I can find something comfortable for you to wear." She offers.

I nod and the nurse leads me to a small room with a shower.

"Lotion is under the sink...I'll bring you a robe and towels." She says waking out before I can thank her.

I hurry up with my shower because Niall could wake up any second.

When I exit the room I make sure to thank the nurse.

"Here's your dinner. I hope it's enough." Liam tells me handing me a white Styrofoam box.

"It's more than enough thank you so much Liam" I reply.

It was chicken,mashed potatoes,and vegetables. It tasted okay. I didn't really pay attention to the flavor. I was still so worried about Niall.

Janet,the nurse came up to us with a big smile.

"If you want you can come visit your friend now." The nurse says.

"We can?! How is he?" I said, excited.

"I think you wanna see that for yourself." She replied with a wide smile.

The doctor was already in there when we came in.

I saw Niall was awake and he had a big smile when he saw me.

"Niall! How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Much better now that I see you..... All of you." He replies, looking at the rest.

"Did my donation do much help?" Zayn asked right away, obviously worried.

"Relax, yes it did. If it weren't for you we would be having trouble." The doctor answers with a smile.

"So what happened to him,doctor." Liam asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Well," The doctor paused.

"The reason Niall is having severe pains is because the knife was able to stab in his rib," He explains.

"Don't worry, that will heal on its own." He continues.

"How long will that take, doctor?" I ask him.

"About 4-6 weeks," He replies.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" I asked him, while placing my hand on Niall's hair.

"Hmmm. Well not much besides giving him healthy foods. The nurse at the front desk will give you a list of foods when you exit." He answers.

"I'm also prescribing pain medicine. He'll only need to take 1 every 6 hours when needed." He adds and I nod.

"Thank you. We appreciate it." Louis speaks up.

"Not a problem." Is all he says before leaving the room and the nurse comes in.

"Visiting hours are over. Only one person may stay with the patient through the night." The nurse informs us with pity.

"I think we all know who that will be." Eleanor smiles, making everyone look at me.

".....Oh yeah, definitely me," I say, making them laugh.

"Okay well we'll all be back tomorrow to check on both of you." Harry says and they nod.

"Annie can stay with Liam and I," Danielle offers.

"Please, thank you." I smile.

"She's definitely welcome." Liam says lifting Annie up and making her smile.

"I hope you feel better, Niall" Zayn says.

"Thank you Zayn for what you did. I probably would be here if it weren't for you." Niall tells him.

"Don't say that. I was half to help!" Zayn replies.

We all say bye and eventually they have to exit. Leaving Niall and I alone.

"Is it alright if I sleep on your bed with you," I ask him with a smile.

"Hop on!" He replies.

I get on and lay the blanket on us. I wrap my arm around his stomach, breathing in his scent. My head on his collarbone, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. It felt so home doing this.

"Someone missed me." Niall whispers and I can tell he's smiling.

"Of coarse I missed you....what, you didn't miss me?" I playfully joke, opening one eye and looking up at him.

He leaned and gave me a welcoming kiss on the lips. It was different in a good way of coarse. His lips were so warm and soft.

"I missed you the most," he said in between the kiss.

I laughed and that caused us to part.

"I'm sure I did, but okay." I tell him, leaning my head on his chest again.

He laughed and a silence followed.

"I'm just happy to have you in my arms again." The Irish boy whispers.

I smile and kiss his lips once more before tangling our legs and soon falling into a deep sleep.



*Calms down*
So.....there is one more chapter to go + an epilogue....but I am actually going to work on another fan-fiction called Unexpected! It's a Harry fan fiction! I don't know exactly when I'm going to
upload the first chap. of that story. I Honestly think I will upload it when I have holiday breaks. It is connected to this story by the way! Yeah so just know I will be writing that and hopefully you'll still be here to read that soon hahaha.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Update sometime next week since every time I try to update on a specific date, I always fail :| Thank you for reading. xx


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2013 ⏰

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