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I told Papa Allie I'd be going back to my flat, but I didn't.

Instead, I pulled over at the nearest pub—not Jane's, though. Perhaps I just wanted a quiet drink, or one without anyone stopping me. Maybe I wanted to be on my own, or perhaps I wasn't ready for Jane to see me yet. I knew she'd have questions now that I'd returned home, and I wasn't prepared for her opinions on everything just yet.

Maybe I didn't want to hear anything more about home—not because I didn't care, but because it was simply too overwhelming.

It was getting late, and I was starting to feel lightheaded. This was the first time in my life I'd drunk this much—far more than I ever thought I could manage. I didn't stop, even though I felt like I might be sick.

After a while, everything seemed to detach. It was as if my senses had stopped responding to the world around me. The loud music in the pub, the voices of people talking—all of it faded. Even the pounding headache and the sadness over Papa Rodel's letter, and his disappearance, seemed to melt away. The strange feeling I'd had after seeing Ricco was already miles away.

I hated to admit it, but yes, I was far too drunk. At that moment, it felt like I was floating, as if I were weightless and alone. No one could touch me, no one could hurt me.

I fumbled for my phone in my pocket, keeping my eyes tightly shut.

"Siri, ring Mark Gutierrez."

I heard Siri's familiar voice respond. "Calling Mark Gutierrez-Mobile," it said, followed by the sound of ringing.

"Hello, Sir?" Mark's voice came through after a moment.

"Come and fetch me. I'm too drunk to drive."

"Where are you?"

I opened my eyes and tried to make out where I was, but everything was blurry, and I couldn't recall the name of the place. I waved over a barman.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Speak to my friend on the phone. Tell him where I am and ask him to come and collect me," I slurred, doing my best to sound coherent. I handed him the phone. "I'm... feeling dizzy."

What happened next, I didn't quite see, nor did I hear what the barman said to Mark. I passed out. The next thing I knew, someone was holding me by the arm, helping me outside. Mark had arrived, at last. All I wanted was to go home and collapse on my bed.

"Mark? Have you settled the bill?" I mumbled as I tried to walk, eyes still closed.

He didn't answer. I didn't bother asking again, knowing he'd have taken care of it—there's no way the staff would've let us leave without paying, especially considering how much I'd drunk.

Oh how my mind was racing with fragmented thoughts.

Mark led me to the car park, and after a moment, I heard the car door open. He helped me into the passenger seat.

The moment my body hit the seat, I passed out.


"Are we home yet?" I asked groggily as we made our way along a paved path. I was once again awoken by the sensation of Mark holding me up as we walked. It was warm, and it didn't feel like home.

"Where are we going?"

Still, Mark didn't reply. Normally, I'd have been alarmed, but I knew I was safe with Mark. He was the only person I'd rung, so it had to be him.

I realised we were entering a room when I felt the door close behind us. I tried opening my eyes, but everything was too dark, and I felt like the world was spinning.

Mon Amour (My Love)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon