Ch. 15: Permission to Stay

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A deep breath leaves Heeseung's mouth as he sits on the couch, legs crossed as if he were meditating. And a second after that, he breathes in, then breathes out deeply once again. And once he's finally felt himself calming down, he slowly opens his eyes, then turns to Heejin sitting on a separate one-person sofa with Jay standing behind her. At the sight, he almost scowls again, but this time, hopefully he can approach it nore calmly.


"Heeseung," the girl replies nonchalantly, having already had enough of her brother overreacting over his "mis-discovery".

Meanwhile, Jay just watched, a little-more-than-enough amused, and just holding in his laugh as he watched the two siblings interact with each other.

Finally, Heeseung opens his mouth to speak, but before he could even utter a single word, a fourth person enters the scene.

"Hyung, noona, have any of you seen that teddy bear keych-"

"ACHOO!" Heeseung suddenly sneezes loudly, causing everyone else in the room to either jump or flinch in response. And after having gotten everyone's attention, the boy only proceeds to act as if it were a normal sneeze. "My, someone must have been saying some big stuff about me," Heeseung states as he rubs his nose.

To that, Jinwoo frowns at his brother, then he looks around the room until his eyes land on Heejin and Jay. "Oh? Jay-hyung's he-"


"Seriously, hyung! If you have something you wanna say then just say it already!" Jinwoo immediately shouts after he gets cut off again. He frowns at Heeseung, and then, he continues. "Seriously, what are you even acting all weird for??"

To that, however, Heeseung actually responds, and with a similarly frustrated expression on his face as he turns to Jinwoo and points to the duo at the other sofa. "WELL, HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO REACT AFTER FINDING OUT YOUR SISTER'S ALREADY SLEEPING WITH SOMEONE?!"

"Hey, I already told you that's not what happened?!" Heejin quickly interjects, looking towards Heeseung with wide, angry eyes.

"Then what is it then??!" Heeseung asks as he turns back to Heejin, his eyes just as wide and accusing.

"Jay ran away from home, a'ight! He ended up in my room after running away from those same guys that showed up at the door and that you let tour around the house!" Heejin argues, pointing her finger at Heeseung with just as much accusation on her face now as his.

And then Jay inserts himself into the conversation due to something he didn't like being revealed so early. "Hey! Who even allowed you to say that so soon?!" he asks Heejin as he turns to her. To which, the girl turns to him, and she shrugs in response to his reaction.

"Well, what did you want me to tell them? That we actually 'did it'?"

"What?" Heeseung asks, his ears perking up again, but Heejin ignores him.

Jay, on the other hand... stays quiet to that. And in response, Heejin gives him a disgusted look as she turns back to him once again. "What?" he then asks, acting innocent, "Did I say anything?"

"Shut up," Heejin growls at him under her breath.

And then, Heeseung enters the conversation once again. "Wait. Did you say... Jay, you ran away from home??" he asks as he turns to Jay instead. "You mean the supposedly big house you live in with your rich parents? What??"

"It's a personal thing," Jay quickly explains, looking frustrated once again as he closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. Heejin once again turns to him, and a small frown soon forms on his face.

Knowing Ms. Know-it-all (TXT Taehyun X Female OC X Enhypen Jay)Where stories live. Discover now