Ch. 41: A Close Call

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So... About the new cover and the banner...

I apologize in advance 😅.

Also TW: cursing (censored)


All of a sudden, one of the students standing in the hall sends his fist flying towards the new student, but in a matter of seconds, surprise takes over that very student and everyone watching, as the newbie dodges, grabs his attacker's arm, pulls, and then sends the student flying over him before landing with a full-body slam on the hallway floor.

All of a sudden, the powerful aura he had was apparent to everyone watching. But it might be unfortunate, because that only made them even more willing to challenge him.

That, the new kid knew, and he takes a step back and holds his hands up in a fighting stance as he looks at the students with a determined gaze. "... Bring it on."

Meanwhile, in the SC president's office, Taehyun and Heejin were still talking about Jungwon's transfer into the school when Jay suddenly barges in.

"Heejin!" he yells out, calling their attention. "There's a fight going on in the main entrance, and I think one of them is a new kid!"

"Meh, as expected," Heejin replies, before she stands up and Taehyun looks up at her with his brows raised in curiosity.

"You're going out to help him?"

"As the PIO of this school, do I have a choice?" Heejin smiles as she turns to Taehyun, the latter of which suddenly seems taken aback by her actions.


"Guys! A fight is going on right now. Do I need to tell you just how urgent this is?" Jay asks as he gestures to the door, to which Heejin rolls her eyes before turning to him.

"Alright, I'm coming," Heejin replies before she turns back to Taehyun. "Anyway, I'm sure you can handle that since Heessung told you the basics."

"Yeah, of course," Taehyun replies lightly as he turns back to the papers in his hands for a moment. "Good luck."

"Thanks! We'll need it!" Jay replies before Heejin can, and he pulls the girl by the arm before leading the way towards the main entrance.

"You didn't have to be that rude to Taehyun," Heejin tells Jay as they make their way towards the fight.

And the boy furrows his brows in response before he shakes his head. "What do you mean? I wasn't rude?"

"His 'good luck' was meant for me."

"Well, it could be for the both of us."

"Then you could have just received it a bit more nicely?"

"What? You want me to go 'oh, thanks, sweetheart! I'm glad you care about me!' on him or something?"

Heejin rolls her eyes, before she looks ahead just in time to see the new student knee one kid in the stomach, before sending his elbow in the face of another, and throwing his bag towards another student that had been running towards him. All of them fell to the ground almost instantly, making Heejin's eyes widen in surprise.

"Does- does this kid even need help?" she asks as she turns to Jay. "Are you seeing this?!"

Jay only laughs out loud in response, as he watches the scene before them as well. "I mean, they did say he was a Taekwondo prodigy. But you never know, he could be getting tired."

And just as Jay said that, the new kid failed to see a kid coming up from behind him with his leg up in the air, with the latter successfully kicking the new kid in the face just as he turned. He immediately fell to the ground upon impact.

Knowing Ms. Know-it-all (TXT Taehyun X Female OC X Enhypen Jay)Where stories live. Discover now