Ch. 20: One More Confession

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"He's gonna hate me, Heeseung. He's gonna hate me and it's gonna be all because of what you did!" With her voice and whole body shaking, Jiwoo expressed her anger at Heeseung's uncalled-for actions. Still, despite his surprise, Heeseung actually had more concern for Jiwoo than the girl thought.

"Jiwoo..." Heeseung began again, looking at the terrified girl with his wide-eyed, confounded gaze. "Just what exactly had that guy done to you?"

To that, Jiwoo didn't know how to respond. What had her boyfriend done to her? She doesn't know. She doesn't know for sure. All she knows is that she loves him, and if he ever got mad at her, there was definitely going to be hell to pay.

And yet, Jiwoo's lack of a response only further deepens Heeseung's frown. "... Hey-"

Before he could do anything else, however, Heeseung is disturbed when a student suddenly rushes past in between them, head down and looking like they're about to cry. At first, Heeseung's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden appearance... But then he becomes surprised when he realizes that the student that had passed was, indeed, his sister Heejin.

"Hey-" Heeseung calls after Heejin, turning towards where she ran off to before he is reminded once again of the situation he's in. He turns back to Jiwoo, then back towards where Heejin ran off to, and a frustrated hiss escales him as he struggles with what to do.

And then Jiwoo speaks. "Just go... We'll talk later. I don't think you'll even get the answers you want out of me right now. After all," she looks up at him, and a faint smile forms on her face, "Family comes first."

Her words eventually comfort Heeseung, and he turns on his heel to run after Heejin only to stop a second later. To Jiwoo's surprise, he suddenly turns back to her, and to further surprise her, the boy suddenly hugs her before patting her head. "Take care of yourself, alright?" With that, he runs off, leaving Jiwoo dumbstruck in her place.

It didn't take long before Taehyun soon came running along. And as soon as he did, Jiwoo was quick enough to know what was going on, and she stops him in his tracks.

"Woah, there, tiger! Where are you going in such a hurry?" Jiwoo asks, her foot infront of Taehyun's and her hand on his arm as she stops him.

The boy looks at her, and to Jiwoo's surprise, she actually finds genuine concern on his frantic face. "Sorry, noona, but it's an emergency, right now. B-by the way, have you seen Heejin?"

"Hmm?" A slightly-impressed expression forms on Jiwoo's face, before she soon smiles at Taehyun. "Hey. Relax. Yeah, Heejin passed by here, but Heeseung's already gone and checked on her, so I'm sure she'll be fine. Besides... during times like this, Heejin prefers to be alone."

At her words, Taehyun's shoulders relax a little. It definitely assures him that at least Heejin has her brother now. But... What exactly does Jiwoo mean by "times like this"?

Meanwhile, Heeseung had followed Heejin where he knows she had gone to, and just like he expected, there sat the girl under the bleachers at the basketball court, just on the opposite side of the school's main building from the festival venue, under the third seat up.

Heeseung sighs as he approaches Heejin, the latter all curled up with her legs hugged to her chest and her body facing out to the side of the bleachers. She had definitely spotted Heeseung already, by now, but she doesn't do or say anything as the boy walks over to where she is before leaning against the side of the seats, one elbow on the third one. "You seriously still tried to fit in there?"

"Well, I still do, though, don't I?" Heejin frowns, and Heeseung rolls his eyes in response.

After confirming that his younger sister is okay enough to talk, though, the boy soon climbs onto the bleachers and takes his seat on the second seats up, his back to his sister as he begins talking. "So... What is it this time?" he asks, carefully, yet still with that casual tone in his voice. Heeseung looks out onto the concrete court infront of him. He can barely even remember the last time he came here for similar reasons!

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