Chapter 1

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(This is the year of 2008, the year where Joan has been proposed to by Aaron, only to be left alone for 8 months. Aaron has been going through the motions while in Iraq and he has been suffering through do much there. After 8 long months he is finally able to come home but he doest disclose his reason.)

(Start scene: Joan left Aaron school after receiving the best news ever, she called her girls and ask them to come over it's was very important. She makes it home and whip up something quick and takes out a bottle of wine. An hour later Maya, Lynn and Monica comes over to see what was so important.)

Maya: Joannnnnn we're here!

Lynn: Joanie what's so important I had to cut my studio time short.

Monica: (yells) JOANN!

Maya: (looks at her) Monica really, please use your inside voice.

Monica: Where is she?

Joan: (holler back) I'm coming!

(Joan walks in from upstairs in her comfy clothes and a big ass grin on her face.)

Maya: (gives her a look) What the hell your grining so hard for?

Joan: Hold your horses imma tell ya.

Maya: Well hurry up I was busy.

Joan: Yeah right busy doing what exactly?

Maya: Darnell and I...

Monica: Stop right there..Maya we really don't want to know what you do in the bedroom with your husband.

(Lynn moves close to Maya.)

Lynn: I don't know Monica, I'm intrigued please Maya continue.

Maya: (push her) Get away from me you freak.

Joan: (holds hand out) Ok, I did not call you over to hear about Maya love life..

Maya: Then why are we here Joan, because clearly yours a bit dry at the moment.

Joan: (gives her a look) Haha very funny Maya, anywho I called you because Aaron sent me a letter.

Monica: (being sarcastic) Oh great.

Maya: He must be tried of them damn care packages.

Lynn: (laughs) It's only so many cookies one can eat Joan.

(Joan cross her arms and look at her friends as they make fun of her, she gets upset and walks away and goes to the kitchen.)

Joan: You know what don't even worry about it, I just received the best news in my life today and all you can do is crack jokes.

Monica: (gets up) Joan.

Joan: No it's fine, I'm sorry to have bothered you guys, I'm fine just go.

Maya: She's so dramatic!

(Lynn comes up to her and gives her a hug.)

Lynn: I'm sorry Joan, so what was it you wanted to tell us?

Maya: (rubs her arm) Yeah girl you know we was just playing around.

Joan: (looks at them) Aaron coming home.

Maya: Oh my god, when?

Joan: Two weeks!

Lynn: That's great Joan.

Monica: I'm so glad he's coming home, you need a man around here to help you cause my Willie is tired.

Joan: (gasp) What?

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