Chapter: 39

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(Backstory: The ladies tried to be there for Joan after Aaron ups and leaves. She is having a rough time and only prays for him to come home. She finds out she's pregnant again and the twins are growing. She is 9 months along when the unthinkable happened, and she's scared to death for her and her child's life.)

(Start scene: The paramedics rushes to the hospital to try and save both Joan and the baby. Once there, they rushes her to the back just when she was gaining consciousness.)

Dr.: Ma'am can you tell me your name.

Joan: (weak) Joan.

Dr.: Ok Joan I'm Doctor Peters, I'm going to make sure you and your baby are both alright ok.

Joan: I don't feel my baby moving.

Dr.: Ok we are going to check and see what's going on ok. Now I heard you fell down some stairs. Is anything broken, are you having pains anywhere else?

Joan: No, please just help my baby.

Dr.: I'm on it!

(They roll her to the OR to prep her for an emergency C-Section. They gave her the medicine to numb her and wait for it to take effect. After five minutes he pokes her and ask if she feels anything, and she says no. So they got to work to get the baby out and then they can see what's really going on. Joan barely there uses the last of her strength to make sure her baby is safe. After 10 minutes she feels a tug and then emptiness.)

Dr.: We have a boy.

Joan: (cries) Is he ok?

Dr.: He just fine, just need some oxygen but he's breathing on his own.

(The baby makes a loud cry and doesn't stops.)

Joan: I need to see him.

(The doctor brings him over so his mother can see him. Joan breaks down once she sees her son and she kisses her cheek.)

Joan: Hi my baby boy.

(Joan whispers sweet words to him and he quiets down. The doctor takes him away to be checked over to make sure he's fine. Joan watches through blurry eyes as they takes him away. The doctor goes back to fix her up but runs into a problem. She was losing blood internally and he noticed her pulse was weakening.)

Dr.: Joan can you hear me?

Joan: (barely a whisper) Yes!

(But she was fighting to stay awake, she was getting lightheaded again and weak. Everything felt so far away and the voices was fading. Before she knew what was happening she had loss consciousness and her heart stopped beating.)

(Not knowing what's going on, the doctor works hard to get her heart beating again and stable. After hours of operation, she was placed in a private room with a tube down her throat. Her family waits in the waiting area until the doctor comes out to talk to them.)

Dr. Peters: Hello I'm Dr. Peters I was the one who cared for Mrs. Waters when she was brought in.

Carol: What happened to my daughter, no one is telling us anything. Is the baby ok, we need answers.

Dr. Peters: Your daughter was brought in because she fell down the stairs. It caused some major internal injuries, after I delivered the baby she had stopped breathing. But I was able to get her back and I was able to get the bleeding under control. I had to do a partial hysterectomy, and she is now in a private room resting.

Bill: What about my grand baby?

Dr. Peters: Your grandson is in the nursery, he was fine didn't have any complications. I'd say his mother protected him and kept him safe.

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