Chapter: 13

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(Backstory: Aaron comes back home after that ordeal at the J-Spot between Joan and Brock. She was ordered to take a week off before she return to work. Over the days spent at home with Aaron, there was alot of words said and tears. She was just about to walk away from their marriage when he stops her.)

(Start scene: Aaron and Joan had just finished their breakfast and was just laying in bed.)

Aaron: So are you going to still move into that new house you brought?

Joan: The question is, do you still want me too.

Aaron: I already showed you where my heart is.

Joan: I was thinking we could keep it and rent it out.

Aaron: And when you came up with this idea?

Joan: While you was downstairs and I had time to think.

Aaron: (smiles) So we're going to work on getting back what we had?

Joan: I know it will take time from what I did to you but we must try.

Aaron: I'm willing if you are.

Joan: I am!

Aaron: So about this party tonight you want to go, it might be good to get out and be around family.

Joan: Yeah we can go.

Aaron: Well rest up until it's time to go.

Joan: I am rested up, I need some fresh air and sunlight.

Aaron: Ok, I'll be out back watering the plants.

(He get up and heads outside to check on his plants while she get dressed and joins him.)

(Over at Maya house her and Lynn are to busy putting up decorations for tonight.)

Lynn: (sigh) Maya can I put my arm down now?

Maya: No, now hold it up so I can tape it to the wall.

Lynn: Just throw it over the door or something.

Maya: See thus is when I wished Joan was here she would have done all this for me.

Lynn: Well to bad you got me, because Joan is to busy baking a baby and hunching on her husband.

Maya: Just hold the damn streams up Lynn.

(Lynn makes a face and holds up the streams as Maya tape them to the wall. Just in that moment Jabari walks through the door and stops when he sees his mom.)

Jabari: Mom what are you doing?

Maya: Don't worry about what I'm doing get over here and help me.

Lynn: Yeah come hold this up for Auntie Lynn while I go make me a sandwich.

Maya: What girl you just ate!

Lynn: Yeah and I've worked it off now I'm hungry again.

Jabari: Mom why you doing all of this you know dad hates surprises.

Maya: (yells) BOY don't nobody cares what your daddy don't like come hold this up.

Jabari: (smacks lips) Man I knew I should have stayed away.

Maya: Keep talking and imma break my foot off in your tale.

(He goes to help his mom as Lynn make herself busy in the kitchen fixing her something to eat. After an hour the decorations was hung up and the food was being delivered.)

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