Chapter: 24

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(Backstory: Joan has went into labor and is now at the hospital to have the twins. After almost 17 hours in labor and an epidural that wore off, Joan finally had the twins. The second baby had a little problem, but she's doing fine. Skylar and Aubree Waters was here weighing 4 pounds each, and already had they own personalities.)

(Start scene: Over the next few days, Joan has been in the hospital until the girls were able to come home. The ladies came to see the twins, and check on joan after the scary episode with Bre.)

Lynn: Joan they are so cute.

Joan: Thanks Lynn, I can't keep my eyes off of them either.

Maya: I must say Joan, you took this whole pregnancy better than I thought.

Joan: (looks at her) Why you say that?

Maya: Girl, you know how extra you can be.

Joan: I am not extra!

Lynn: Ehhh a little bit, but I guess these precious; baby dolls calmed you down.

Monica: I agree! I like this new Joan.

Joan: Guys I'm still the same Joan, I'm just a wife and a mother now. I mean, we have to grow up at some point in our lives.

Maya: Amen to that, I think we all did in a way. Can't believe you heifers are almost 40.

Joan: Hush your speak, I still have a good 2 years left.

Lynn: Let's just face it Joan, Maya getting old.

(They busy out laughing as Maya gives them the evil stare.)

Maya: All you bitches can kiss my natural, slim, perky ass.

Joan: Hey, hey little ears are in the room.

Monica: So, when are you guys getting out of this dump.

Joan: Hopefully tomorrow, I'm so ready to get them home and I miss my bed. They are almost five pounds, so let's hope by the grace of God, they make it by tomorrow.

Maya: I hated the hospital after I had Jabari, I mean you have no privacy. Then everyone was looking all at my stuff, and Darnell was trying to fight the male nurses.

Lynn: Damn, were they hot.

Maya: Girl I don't know, I was in too much pain to care.

(They sit and talk until they had to leave to do they own daily routines. Today was Aaron last day at work, he decided to take a 4 week paternity leave. Later that night Dr. Wallace comes by to check on the twins and give them some great news.)

Dr. Wallace: How is my favorite fmaily?

Aaron: Great!

Joan: Good, but ready to go home.

Dr. Wallace: (laughs) I can only imagine, which is why I'm here to give you the great news.

Joan: Which is?

Dr. Wallace: both babies has reached their goals, Sky is five in a half pounds and Bre is five.

Joan: Oh my goodness girls you hear that we can all go home.

Aaron: So is there anything different we would have to do once we are home.

Dr. Wallace: Nope, just keep doing what you two been doing, and just love on them.

Aaron: So when will they be cleared to go home?

Dr. Wallace: Once I check mama out, you can go anytime afterwards.

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