Chapter: 45

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(Backstory: Aaron has been back for a few months and the kids are happy. Joan is trying to balance life, Davis, and her ex as she take it one day at a time. Out one night with Davis, he tell her some exciting news and takes the offer. He moves to Canada and it leaves Joan a little sad, but she knows she will be alright. Aaron goes MIA for a few days and shows up at her house drunk.)

(Start scene: Joan is pressed against a door as she tries to process what's happening. Aaron had come over drunk, asking to see the kids and if her friend was there. Now he had her against a door with his lips pressed against her. He pulls back, and moves away from her as he pace unsteadily.)

Aaron: I'm sorry!

Joan: Aaron what's wrong?

Aaron: (looks at her) I shouldn't have come back, I should have stayed gone. You and the kids was doing just fine without me here, you were happy, he makes you happy.

Joan: Aaron talk to me, where is all of this coming from? The kids have been happier now that your back. I know it will take time but they need you now more than ever.

Aaron: I'm a failure, I came back hoping I could get my job back and get on my feet. I want my kids with me but I can't do that. I have no place to call home to bring them too. I have no money to bring them place, to show them that I can get them whatever they want because they deserves it.

(Joan doesn't know if she should just let him rant or hug him. She knows he needs to calm down, before he does something in this state of mind he's in. So she walks up to him and touches his arm, to get his attention.)

Joan: Aaron, look at me.

Aaron: I thought I was getting better, I thought I could do this.

Joan: Ok, I need you to stop talking and sit down with me ok.

(He stops and looks down at her hand on his arm and she quickly removes it.)

Joan: I'm sorry! Aaron can you sit down for me please. I need to check your head wound to see how bad it is.

Aaron: It's fine, I need to go. I'm sorry I bothered you, can I come see the kids tomorrow.

Joan: (grabs his arm) Aaron, why don't you just stay here tonight, you can take the guest room.

Aaron: Are you here alone?

Joan: Yes, I was just about to go to bed.

Aaron: I'll leave first thing in the morning.

Joan: Look, just let me clean that up and then you can go sleep that off.

(Joan gets up to go get the first aid kit. She comes back with a towel and a bottle of water. She sits down in front of Aaron as he just sits there.)

Joan: Can you come a little closer.

Aaron: (moves) Is this ok?

Joan: Yeah!

(She takes the wet towel and began cleaning the blood from his face. She swallows as she feels his eyes on her.)

Aaron: I'm sorry about the mess, I will clean it up.

Joan: It's fine.

(Without being asked he starts talking.)

Aaron: I was in Virginia, at this mental health facility. My PTSD was in overdrive by the time I made it there. I had so many thoughts running through my head, it was driving me crazy. I felt like a failure, when I couldn't take care of my family. I seen what it was doing to you, to us as husband and wife. I thought that I could just leave for a little while, get help, and come back as the Aaron you married.

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