Chapter 3

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(Backstory: Aaron has been home for 2 months and things are going great, he even completed his therapy sessions. Joan has started back planning thier wedding and she couldnt be more excited. The ladies has convinced her to send an invitation to her ex bestfriend Toni in hopes she would come. Maya and Darnell are having conflicting feelings about having a baby or adopting one. And Monica has finally gone into labor and she is giving William hell.)

(Start scene: Williams helps Monica into the car as best her could before closing the door. He runs to the other side calling Joan before getting in and driving off.)

Monica: What the hell are you doing?

William: I'm calling Joan!

Monica: Why she's not having your baby I am, now hang up.

William: But I'm just letting her know..

Monica: (yells) I said HANG IT UP, now all your attention needs to be on me and your son.

William: My focus is on you and my son, I just thought we should let someone know.

Monica: (groans) Ohhhh, it hurts.

William: Breath Monica, like we do in lamaze class.

Monica: That's easy for you to say, your insides doesn't feel like it's about to pop out.

William: Ok Monica we are almost there.

(William speeds off the the hospital as Monica screams and moans in pain. They make it there in 10 minutes and he runs in to go get the doctor. After getting her out and rolled to a room she is set up and monitored until that times comes.)

William: Baby how are you feeling?

Monica: Come closer so I can grab your balls.

William: Ummm Monica we are at the hospital, I think that's a little inappropriate.

Monica: Oh trust you will never touch me again, I wanted to you feel how I am feeling.

William: (understood) Oh, oh well I think it's best I stay right here for the time being.

Monica: (yelps in pain) God why Noone told me how much this hurts, my back is on fire.

(William tries to make her feel better but she just cusses him out and threatens him. So he just watch from afar as time goes by and they finally gives her an epidural. Over the next couple hours she is now ready to push, and she gives 4 good ones before they son makes his grand entrance.)

Doctor: You have a handsome baby boy.

Monica: (cries) Ohh look at him.

William: Hey lil man.

Monica: (smiles) He's beautiful!

William: Hi Kobe it's finally good to meet you.

Monica: Kobe William Dent.

William: I love it.

Monica: I love you William, and I'm sorry for earlier.

William: I love you too and it's ok.

(They both coo over they baby boy as he looks around, he sucks on his finger as he calms down. They spend hours just holding and looking at they precious baby boy.)

(Two months has passed and William and Monica was enjoying being parents. The ladies stops but one day while Williams is at work to see the baby.)

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