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(Backstory: Toni shows up at Joan's house to get some kind of closure. They both said what they had to and Joan was finally able to apologize. William and Monica are having some difficulties, and she reach out to someone outside of they marriage. Lynn and Brad are engaged, and it seems like the new year is going to bring new beginnings.)

(Start scene: It was 3 weeks after new years and everyone was doing great. William had finally closed on a building for his law office. He got off early so he could take his family out to celebrate. He make his way to the restaurant, to tell his wife the good news. He gets out with some flowers, and walks in to see her sitting on the bench with some guy. They looked mighty cozy and had two wine glasses and a bottle out.)

William: Your enjoying yourself.

Monica: (jumps up) William, what are you doing here?

William: What I walked in too early, maybe I should leave back out and then you can screw him.

Hank: Oh on man, you don't know me.

William: I know you are are guy, my wife has been talking to for the pass few months.

Monica: Hank don't, William this is not what it looks like.

Hank: Maybe you should spend more time with her, she's an amazing woman.

William: Maybe you should get the hell out before I beat your ass.

Monica: William!

Hank: You know what I don't have time for this, you need to straighten this out, and then call me.

(Hank walks out.)

William: I'm out here bussin my ass and this is what you do!

Monica: No, nothing happened I swear.

William: (shakes his head) I know I haven't been the best husband or father. I just got the best news I've I've working towards for the pass year. I came here to tell you about it and maybe we could go out and celebrate. But after seeing that, I'm good, I'm going to go get my son from Joan and I'm going home to spend time with him.

Monica: William, please listen to me.

William: No, you can call your little boyfriend back, and I hope he can give you what I couldn't.

Monica: William?

(William throws the flowers in the trash and walks out. He makes his way to his car and drives off. He makes it to Joan house in 30 minutes, and get out. He takes a deep breath, before walking to her door and knocking. Aaron opens the door, and is taking by surprise as William just walking in without a word.)

Aaron: William?

(William walks up to Joan and grabs Kobe out of her arms as he gives her a look.)

Joan: (surprised) William what?

William: Don't you William me, you are my bestfriend and you didn't even tell me.

Joan: (struggle getting up) William what's going on?

(Aaron hearing William yelling at his wife, he walks in and stand in front of Joan.)

Aaron: Hold up William, you will not come into out home and yell at my wife, what's going on?

William: Why don't you ask her!

Joan: William I have no idea what your talking about.

William: So you didn't know Monica was still talking to that guy?

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