Chapter: 14

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(Backstory: Joan and Aaron has kissed and made up and now just focusing on the future. Maya has just landed another book deal and is very excited about it. Joan goes back to work after being off for a week after the incident with Brock.)

(Start scene: In New York, it was pass 10 and Toni was in bed waiting for Issac. He's been coming in late for the pass month and Toni is becoming fed up, Morgan is in her room asleep. Another 30 minutes he finally shows up and he comes in and head straight for the bathroom.)

Toni: Umm hello to you too Issac.

(He just close the door without as much as a hi or a hey, Toni sits there like did that just happened. Instead of waiting up for him she decided to let it go and lay down. He comes out 30 minutes later and get into bed and turn on his side going to sleep.)

Toni: (turns) Issac?

Issac: Toni I'm tired it's been a long day so can I please get some sleep.

Toni: I just want to know what makes you think you can come up in my house and not speak to me, I haven't seen or heard from you all day.

Issac: I said not now Toni now go to bed.

Toni: (gasp) Oh you done lost your mind, fine keep that same energy in the morning.

(He just huff before ignoring her once again. She looks at him for a few second before she turns and lay down bringing to cover to her chin.)

(The next morning she wakes up and noticed his side of the bed is empty so she gets up and go to the kitchen. She sees him at the bar eating a bagel and having his coffee.)

Issac: Gabby got Morgan off to school.

Toni: Uh huh, so you had another late night lastnight and you did even say hi or hey baby or nothing to me.

Issac: I was tired ok so drop it.

Toni: How much longer will you be working late.

Issac: How ever long I need to get my business up and running.

Toni: (nods her head) Ok, how long will that be?

Issac: (yells) TONI, can you please just stop.

Toni: Don't you yell at me I have every right to ask these questions?

Issac: (gets up) I don't have time for this I need to get to work.

(Issac leaves the house and heads to work, as Toni stands there trying to figure out what the hell just happened. She walks to her bedroom to get ready for her day at the office, as she try not to let what just went down ruin her day.)

(It was a few day later when Joan and Aaron had made it home from the appointment.)

Joan: Did you hear how fast the baby heart was beating?

Aaron: It the best sound I've ever heard.

Joan: (looks at him) It's so surreal.

(Aaron walks up behind her and wrap her in his arms as he kiss her neck.)

Aaron: I love you.

Joan: (giggle) I love you too baby.

Aaron: Can you imagine a mini you running around here in a few months.

Joan: I can but I wouldn't mind a handsome baby boy who looks like his father.

Aaron: My mom would have been so happy.

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