Chapter: 38

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(Backstory: Maya catches Jabari in her bed, having sex with some girl she doesn't know. Joan hosts a Christmas party at her place. She hopes that it helps lighten the mood and put a smile on Aaron's face. Later that night, something happens between her and Aaron, and it was the best night of their lives. The next morning Joan woke up to an empty bed, and her husband nowhere in sight.)

(Start scene: A week has passed by and Joan and the girls, were still trying to make sense with what happened. Joan had dropped the girls off at school, before she made her way to meet the ladies at The Lotus. She walks in and sees them at the table talking. She takes a deep breath to prepare herself with the questions to come.)

Joan: Hey ladies.

Them: (nervous) Hey Joan.

Joan: Wow, that was an unhappy hey.

Lynn: Joan it's been a week, we're just...

Joan: It's ok Lynn, it's hard but I have to keep going for the girls.

Monica: How can he be so selfish!

Maya: Aht aht Monica don't do that.

Monica: What, I really like Aaron, but to just up and leave like that.

Joan: Ok enough, I didn't come here to talk about what's going on in my life. I just want to hang with my girls and at least pretend to have a good time.

Monica: I'm sorry Joan.

Maya: How are the girls holding up?

Joan: I don't think it hit them just yet. They still have hope he will bust through those doors and say daddy's home.

Lynn: Aww, I hate that this had to happen Joan.

Joan: I have faith he will be home soon and I pray wherever he is, he is getting the help he couldn't get here.

Maya: What about the divorce papers?

Joan: I put them away, I'm not signing them.

Lynn: What if he doesn't come back?

Maya: Yeah, I mean would you wait for him forever.

Joan: I don't know, that would have to be a decision I would have to make.

(They continue to talk about upcoming events and whatever else came to mind. After a much needed outing Joan headed to go run a few errands, before getting the girls. Just like any other day, Joan went by their regular routine, and just prayed for better days.)

(It was two months later and it seemed things had only gotten worse for Joan. She barely ate, she was stressing, and the one thing she needed wasn't there. Her parents and her girlfriends helped out as much as they could. Over the pass two months everyone notices her weight loss and dark circles under her eyes. They all was by Maya house having a little get together. Lynn had pulled Joan to the side to talk to her.)

Lynn: Joan can I talk to you for a minute?

Joan: Yeah, girls go see what Jojo is doing.

(They run off to go join the other kids, while Lynn pulls Joan into the back bedroom. She closes the door and then turn to face Joan, looking at her.)

Joan: What?

Lynn: Joan what's going on?

Joan: What do you mean?

Lynn: Joan have you seen yourself the last two months?

Joan: Umm yeah, I look in the mirror everyday.

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