Chapter: 18

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(Backstory: William has been busy working and working and having less time with his family. Monica is feeling lonely and just all over the place. Joan and Veretta has become closer as her condition starts to decline. Maya and Darnell new baby has come early so they have been occupied with that. And Lynn and Brad relationship seems to have become very serious and is talking about marriage.)

(Start scene: It has been a week since Veretta Childs has passed, and Joan tried to do whatever she could to help. Toni and her family was in town and her and Joan had yet to cross paths. Everything was just on edge and no one wanted to make any wrong moves. It was a Tuesday and everyone was getting ready for Veretta funeral.)

Aaron: Baby your ready?

Joan: (in the bathroom) I don't think I can do this Aaron.

Aaron: Your going to be fine, we have to meet your parents there so we can all sit together.

Joan: Aaron, I haven't seen or talked to Toni in 4 years.

Aaron: Well today isn't about Toni, its to celebrate the life of Veretta Childs and I know you want to be there.

Joan: (exhale) Your right, it's just a few hours.

(He kiss her head.)

Aaron: You got this baby your twenty strongest woman I know.

Joan: You always know what to say when to say it huh.

Aaron: I'm just trying to brighten your day, now let's go so we can have a seat.

(As they got ready to leave she called her mother to let her know they was leaving. At the funeral home Maya and Lynn has been there for Toni while Darnell stayed at home with Jordyn.)

Lynn: Do you think Joan will come?

Maya: I don't know, I hope she do her and Veretta was close before she passed.

Lynn: I can't believe she didn't tell us she was helping her.

Maya: Well you know Joan has been very secretive lately.

Lynn: Yeah maybe she been trying to prepare herself.

Maya: Well we will see how everything goes.

(In that moment Toni walks in and take her seat as they wait for everyone else to arrive.)

Lynn: How are you holding up?

Toni: I'm ok, I mean I knew the time was near still trying to process it. I know we wasn't on the best of terms but I do cherish the times we did have.

Maya: Then that's all that matters and she's now in a better place.

Lynn: How did Morgan take it.

Maya: She's still kind of young but I guess she knows grandma is in heaven now.

Maya: How long will you be in town?

Toni: For a few days, we have to help daddy clean out the house and see what's worth keeping. She still kept all of that stuff from when we was little until I moved out.

Lynn: Well if you guys need help with anything I'm here.

Maya: Yeah, I can help when I can now that Jordyn is home.

Toni: Congratulations again girl I can't wait to meet her.

Maya: Before you leave come by the house and we can just hang and talk like old times.

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