Chapter: 25

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(Backstory: Joan and the twins has finally made it home and things has been great. Maya has been working on her book and planning book tours. Darnell has brought a bigger building for his garage. William and Monica have worked out they little bump in the road. And Lynn is planning a wedding and working on becoming a producer.)

(Start scene: Tuesday has finally come, and Joan was upstairs getting ready for her appointment. Aaron was downstairs, getting the girls settled in they swings. Once she was done she makes her way downstairs to kiss the girls before leaving.)

Joan: Hey bae, I'm on my way out, anything I need to bring back?

Aaron: No, I think I'm good.

(He stops and looks at her.)

Joan: What?

Aaron: Come here!

Joan: Aaron, I have to go.

Aaron: I know just for a sec.

(She walks over to him and he puts his hands on her hips.)

Joan: What wrong?

Aaron: Baby, you can't wear that.

Joan: Well why not, what's wrong with it?

Aaron: Did you see yourself, your looking good mama.

Joan: (hits him) You play to much, I thought something was wrong.

Aaron: No, your just fine as hell woman.

Joan: (smiles) Thank you baby!

Aaron: Ok you can go but hurry back.

Joan: (kisses him passionately) Just a little something to hold you.

Aaron: (slaps her ass) Just promise to do more of that later.

Joan: (smirks) As long as you do that, we're even.

(Joan walks out adding a little more twist to her walk. She was almost out the door when she hears Aaron shout.)

Aaron: Just evil!

Joan: Bye, bae!

(Joan gets into her car and heads to her doctors appointment. She makes it there and get out going inside. She checks in, and wait to be called to the back.)

(In New York, Toni has finally seem to find out what happened to her money, and has since gotten it back. Her business has yet to get back to normal, but it's not to bad. She was at work when her assistant walks in with some papers.)

Toni: Hey Connie what do you have for me?

Connie: It's another client, they dropped out.

Toni: Dammit, did they say why?

Connie: No, just that they found someone else.

Toni: (hits her desk) I can't afford to loose any more clients. Give me they file I'm going to see if I can get them back.

Connie: Toni, if you don't mind me asking, have you did any research to see why your business is moving slow.

Toni: No, maybe it's just that time of the year, and I'd really appreciate it if you don't tend to much to my business.

Connie: I'm sorry, I'll go back to my desk.

Toni: Thank you!

(It was after two, she locks up her business and heads home. She makes it and sees Issac in the kitchen and Morgan at the table.)

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