Chapter: 17

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(Backstory: Joan and Maya has had a little fight, and they haven't seen or talked to eachother in three days. Toni and Issac have seemed to have patched everything up, after she came home one night and thought he was cheating. Veretta has shown up at Joan house one day to talk, and tell her that she has cancer. And Monica has been feeling lonely lately with William working 24/7, and trying to start his own business.)

(Start scene: It's been 4 days since Joan has talked to anyone, and she just felt like she needed that time. So much has happened with Aaron getting some great news. To veretta coming to drop a bomb shell on her, and making her make a promise. She just needed a few days to herself, and focus on her and her little family. She was at work in the office working on inventory, and making calls to checking on her other restaurants. She was on the phone when Maya and Lynn walks in.)

Joan: Ok Michelle, thank you so much for keeping me updated I really appreciate it. I will call you sometime this week, and have someone out there to get on that.

Michelle: Ok thank you Joan talk to you soon.

Joan: No problem, bye!

(She hangs up and look at her two friends, as they stand there like two small children.)

Joan: So what brings you two by today?

Lynn: I was, well we was wondering if we can talk.

Joan: Umm, I'm kind of busy right now, and I'm really not in the mood to rehash what happened.

Maya: (gets smart) Well it's nice to know we wasted out time coming here today.

Joan: No on asked you too.

Maya: You know what I don't have time for this.

(Maya turns to leave but Lynn stops her.)

Lynn: No your not leaving and we are going to settle this, it's been 4 days and we are grown women.

Joan: I didn't do anything.

Lynn: I know and I get that your hurt, we all have been hurt Joan.

Joan: (smiles and shakes her head) Look just say what you have to say please, so I can get on with my day.

Maya: Fine I'll go first, I'm sorry Joan ok, I'm sorry for blaming you and always throwing Toni in your face. I shouldn't have expected you to fix her problems when I know the two of you are no longer friends.

Lynn: Ok now your turn.

Joan: But I didn't do nothing.

Lynn: Joan come on!

Joan: (sigh) I'm sorry for breaking up my friendship with Toni and causing all of this mess in the first place.

Lynn: I'm sorry too, now can we all just get alone.

(In that moment Joan phones ring again and she answers without looking at them. Once she's done she gets up, and walk pass them to the bar where Monica was standing. Maya and Lynn looked at eachother, before followed her as she get Monica to help her count the liquor.)

Lynn: So they have poetry night tonight at Sams you ladies want to go?

Monica: Sure I could use a girls night out.

Lynn: What about you Joan?

Joan: Umm, Aaron and I made plans already thanks for the invite though.

Lynn: (look at Maya) Well if you change your mind maybe you guys could meet us there.

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