Chapter 6

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(Backstory: Joan has be planning her wedding and trying to open up a new location for the J-Spot. Maya and her husband have decided it would be best to adopt a child. And Lynn has moved back home and learning that her manager has dropped her.)

(Start scene: It is 30 minutes before Joan's and Aaron's wedding and everyone has arrived. Aaron has taken his place at the front of the alter to wait on his bride. Joan was in the room doing last minute things, like making sure her hair and makeup was good.)

Bill: (knocks) Hey babygirl.

Joan: You can come in dad.

Bill: (walks in) Are you ready?

Joan: Yeah, how do I look?

Bill: Like the most gorgeous bride I've ever seen.

Joan: Ok your laying it on deep dad, how's Aaron?

Bill: You know he asked me the same thing, buy he is fine waiting on you.

Joan: (smiles) Well let go.

(The wedding coordinator came to get Joan just when she was about to walk out. He dad takes her hand as they walk to he back door, and wait as she watch the ladies get into there spots.)

Bill: Looks like everyone showed up for this occasion.

Joan: (laugh) Yeah, I guess they couldn't believe I was finally getting married.

Bill: Well this is your time so make sure you enjoy every moment.

Joan: I will!

(Joan takes a deep breath as she gets the que to start walking, she place her arm in her dads and they walk together. She smiles as she looks out and see a beautiful view of the ocean and Aaron standing there proud. As she walks down she sees her mother and she is sitting next to Veretta and Eugene Childs. They make it up to the alter and her father gives her away to Aaron as he takes her hands. She looks up at Aaron with so much love in her eyes that she began to cry.)

Joan: (chuckle) I'm sorry!

Aaron: (wipes it away) It's ok.

(The pastor began as everyone watched as they witness two become one. The pastor told them that it was time for them to say they vows, and Joan goes first.)

Pastor Fred: You can say your vows now.

Aaron: Ladies first!

Joan: Of course, I'm so nervous.

Aaron: Hey we are in this together.

(In that moment Joan starts saying her vows as she has memorized it)

Joan: Before you, I never truly believed in a "one true love." I know now that what we have transcends and is a much deeper soul connection. In you I found a partner in life, a lover, a friend,  a safe place, someone I can be my ugliest and most vulnerable with. In you I found someone who supports me, who inspires me, who respects and honors me. Thank you for never making me feel like I'm too much and for looking at me with loving eyes even when we all know I'm being extra. Thank you for embracing all the parts that make me, me. I love you very much, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

(Once she was done thier wasn't a dry eye in the audience as they watch them. Aaron holds her hand and squeezes them tight as he brings them to his lips and kiss them.)

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