Chapter: 44

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(Backstory: It's the twins 8th birthday and they decided on a sleepover. While they was all happy and singing happy birthday, a surprise guest shows up. Aaron makes his grand entrance after being missing for 2 years. There is a lot of mixed emotions, but one thing for sure, his daughters missed him. Over the weeks m, he learns he also has a son and tries to get to know him better.)

(Start scene: Aaron has been back for two months now, and taking the time to be a father to his children. Joan and the kids where over by her parents house, to help her father celebrate his birthday. The kids was out back playing on the swing set, while Joan was talking to her parents.)

Joan: So dad, how does it feel to be a 70 year old man?

Bill: Baby I'm just blessed to still be here and to see my grandbabies grow.

Carol: I'm blessed that everything still works.

Joan: Ewww, mom really.

Carol: What, it is a blessing.

Joan: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.

Bill: Carol don't scare the girl.

Carol: Alright, but your time will come deer.

Joan: Great, I'm so looking forward to it.

Carol: So how's my son in law

Joan: Mom, we're not married anymore.

Carol: He will always be my son in law, now how is he?

Joan: I don't really know, we don't talk.

Bill: So what do you do?

Joan: Just talk about the kids.

Carol: So he doesn't know about the other guy?

Joan: No, what is there to tell?

Carol: I mean doesn't he have the right to know, only so he won't be put in no situation.

Joan: Mom what Davis and I isn't anything serious.

Bill: Does the kids know this Davis guy?

Joan: They only met him once.

Carol: Just do what's right for you, now I'm going outside.

(They watch her leave to go out back with the kids.)

Bill: Don't think to much about this, you are smart enough to know what needs to be done.

Joan: Can I not be an adult, and go back to a little girl.

Bill: (laughs) Everything is going to be alright, just pray.

Joan: Trust me I have, I'm just ready to get off this roller coaster.

(Bill pat her back and she get up out the chair and they join her mom outside. She watch as her kids play, and chase her dad around the yard. After an eventful day, they head back home to start their regular routine the next day.)

(It is now Saturday and Joan is home getting ready to go out with Davis. Aaron was downstairs with the kids, waiting on the pizza to get there. An hour has passed, and Joan gets a call from Davis saying he's outside.)

Joan: Ok kids, mommy is about to leave.

Skylar: Are you coming back home tonight?

Joan: Yesss, why?

Skylar: I don't like it when you don't come home, is that guy your boyfriend?

Joan: (nervous) Umm no, he just mommy's friend.

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