Chapter: 34

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(Backstory: Toni and Joan has seemed, to have found a way to slowly become cool. Aaron has been going to therapy without telling Joan. And thing between them are becoming worse. She feels like he could be having an affair.)

(Start scene: It was around 3 that morning, when Joan was awoken by shouting. She hurry and gets up to check on the girls, and realize it coming from downstairs. She closes there door and make her way down. As she gets closer she hears Aaron talking to someone. When she makes it to him, he is up but not focused.)

Joan: Aaron!

Aaron: Stay back!

Joan: (scared) Aaron baby it's me Joan.

(She goes to touch him but he jerks away. She finally gets a look at him and sees he's sleeping, but walking and talking. His eyes are opened but unfocused, and glossy.)

Aaron: I said stay back and drop the gun so we can talk about this.

Joan: (confused) Aaron no one is here, I need you to wake up.

Aaron: (shouts) Drop it!

Joan: Aaron, your safe and at home with me and the girls.

(She goes to grab his arm and she realized what a mistake that was. Before she could react he had done punched her in the face. She falls to the floor with a yelp, holding her face. Before she could move he pounces on her and holds her down. He puts a hand around her throat and squeezes a little.)

Aaron: I told you not to threaten my family.

Joan: Aaron stop it.

Aaron: No, you will not hurt them.

Joan: (scared) Aaron stop it, it's me Joan.

(She tries her hardest to fight him off but he just apply more pressure. She feels herself become weak, but she wasn't about to give up. She uses the last bit of her strength and bring a knee up and hit him between the legs.)

Aaron: (jerks awake) Ahhh shit.

(He falls away from Joan as she tries to catch her breath. Aaron holds his balls as he groans in pain. Joan weak, moves away from him and in a corner. After a few minutes the pain fades and he moves his head.)

Aaron: What?

(He slowly gets up and looks around and realized he's downstairs. As he makes his way to turn the light, on he hears whimpering. He moves and hit the switch and follow the sound to see Joan in a corner. She has blood all over her, tears on her eyes, and something else fear.)

Aaron: (moves towards her) Joan what...

Joan: No, stay back.

Aaron: Baby your hurt, what happened, who did this to you?

Joan: Please don't come any closer.

(Aaron confused trying to figure out why his wife is telling him to stay back. He looks down at his hand and see blood and scratches on them. He slowly looks up, and realizes what had happened. He did this, he had caused the blood and fear in her eyes.)

Aaron: Joan baby please I'm sorry.

Joan: No!

Aaron: Baby let me help you.

(He squat down and reaches for her as she pulls away. Seeing her like this breaks his heart. He slowly reaches for her and she doesn't pull away, so he continues.)

Aaron: I'm not going to hurt you I promise.

(He slowly take her hands and helps her stand. Blood was still dripping from her nose, so he went to grab a towel.)

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