Chapter: 47

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(Backstory: Joan comes back home one night after a night out drunk and passed out. Aaron helps her in the house and one thing lead to another when she kissed him. That night some feelings was expressed and one thing led to another. Afterwards they met with the lawyer and decided to stay married and work it out.)

(Start scene: It's been two years since Joan and Aaron decided to stay married. The twins are now 10 and Mikey is now 3 and things couldn't be more prefect. They was downstairs watching a movie, while the kids were asleep.)

Aaron: Hey babe?

Joan: (looks at him) Yeah!

Aaron: What's on your mind, you been quiet all week?

(She moves until she is laying down and in his arms. She looks up at him and caress his face, as he look down at her.)

Aaron: Talk to me!

Joan: I've just been doing some thinking.

Aaron About?

Joan: I think we should renew our Vows.

Aaron: Really?

Joan: Yes, just you, me, the kids, and our close family.

Aaron: (kisses her) Plan it and I will be there.

Joan: (laughs) You better!

(He laughs and then bury his face in her neck, nipping at her skin.)

Joan: You better stop unless you plan on finishing what you are starting.

Aaron: (kiss her jaw) Oh I plan on finishing, the question is are you participating.

Joan: (smirks) Always!

(Taking that as his answer, he moves until he is between her legs.)

Aaron: Should we take this upstairs, or....

Joan: I'm comfortable, why mess up a good thing.

Aaron: Good answer!

(She smiles as he place kisses to her chest and moves up to her lips. He slowly captures her bottom lip with his, and pulls it into his mouth. Joan moans into his mouth and wrapped a leg over his.)

Joan: (panting) You have on too many clothes.

Aaron: No problem!

(He sits up and takes his shirt off and takes hers with his. He looks down taking in her naked top half and his eyes lands on the scar. He reaches down and touches it, before he leans down and place a loving kiss there.)

Joan: Why do you always do that?

Aaron: Because it brought my son into the world and it reminds me of how close I came to losing you.

Joan: (caress his face) Baby, I love and appreciate you for that, but can we get back to the love making part.

Aaron: (chuckle) Patience woman.

Joan: (grabs his ass) You know I'm very impatient, now kiss me.

(He gives in and does what his wife tells him. They make out for a few minutes, and slowly began to remove the rest of their clothes. Once they both was naked, Aaron takes himself and tease her center. Joan using her leg, she grasps his hip and pulls him into her. She throws her head back as she takes him all the way in.)

Joan: Godddd, Aaron.

Aaron: (kiss her neck) Just relax!

Joan: Mmmmm your so deep.

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