Chapter 7

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(Backstory: After planning her wedding Joan is finally married and things are going great. Maya and Darnell are still in the process of finding a daughter to adopt. And Lynn is getting back into her groove in the studio and she has a new manager.)

(Start scene: After Lynn and Brad had sex she collected her things and hurry and left. She gets into her car and makes her way towards Joan house. It was 10 at night but she didn't care she needed to talk to someone and Joan was that person. She makes it to her house and knocks on her door hard as she wait until she open the door.)

(Aaron jumps awake as he hears banging on the door which makes Joan stir. She sits up looking around as she notice the banging on thier door.)

Aaron: Stay here!

Joan: Aaron no just call the police.

Aaron: Just stay here.

(Aaron walks out the room and makes it downstairs grabbing a bat from the closet.)

Lynn: Joan come on open up.

(Aaron hearing Lynn's voice puts the bat down and opens the door.)

Aaron: Lynn what the hell.

Lynn: I'm sorry where's Joan.

Aaron: Upstairs!

(Aaron motion for her to come in and she goes to the kitchen, Aaron makes his way back upstairs.)

Joan: Who was it?

Aaron: (gets in bed) Lynn, I'm going back to bed.

Joan: What it's after 10 what she's doing here?

Aaron: I don't know and don't care I going to sleep.

Joan: (gets up) I'll be back.

Aaron: Ok.

(Joan grabs her robe and head downstairs and to the kitchen.)

Joan: Lynn, do you know what time it is?

Lynn: Yes, I'm sorry Joan I just did something stupid and I needed someone to talk to.

Joan: Ok what was so important you had to come here at 10:30 at night, that could wait until morning.

Lynn: I slept with Brad!

Joan: Brad, Brad, who's Brad.

Lynn: My manager and he also been producing my music.

Joan: Oh god Lynn, (looks at her) wait is that a passion mark.

Lynn: (eyes get big) Oh god where?

Joan: (point to it) There, Lynn tell me you didn't just..

Lynn: Yeah, I panicked and ran.

Joan: My god Lynn your worse than Maya, when she slept with Jaylan.

(She puts her head on Joan's shoulder.)

Lynn: I don't know what I'm going to do.

Joan: Ok was this a one time thing or was it more?

Lynn: He told me he liked me and has for the last 4 months.

Joan:Ok, and how does that make you feel?

Lynn: I don't know, I mean I like him too but what happened just moved to fast and I freaked out.

Joan: Talk to him, just be honest with him and tell him what it is, do you like him.

Lynn: I do, I feel like I can be who I am around him and we have so much fun in the studio.

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