Chapter: 37

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(Backstory: Maya has been offered a deal, and a book tour for her new book. Monica throws Williams a surprise birthday party and everyone showed up. Aaron problems are becoming more of an issue, and he feels more lost.)

(Start scene: At Maya catches Jabari in her bed having sex, she wait until Darnell is home to tear in his ass. It's pass 5 and she is sitting at the table with Jordyn when he walks in.)

Darnell: Hey baby, where is he?

Maya: In his room.

Darnell: I'm going to kill him.

Jordyn: Hey daddy.

Darnell: (smiles) Hey baby.

(He walks off and heads to Jabari bedroom and bust through the door. Maya decided to go by Joan's house until the coast is clear. She makes it to Joan's house knocking on the back door. Joan comes to the door confused as she let's them in.)

Jordyn: Hey Auntie Joan!

Joan: Hey sweetie.

Maya: Hey girl, I know yur wondering why we're here.

Joan: Hi and ummm yes.

Maya: Is the girls here, I don't want to talk about it in front of her.

Joan: Ok, Jojo the girls are in their room, you want to go meet them.

Jordyn: Ok!

(They watch her as she goes up the stairs and then hear screaming. Once the coast is clear Maya plops down on Joan's sofa.)

Maya: Joan, thank god you don't have any older kids.

Joan: Ok, what's going on?

Maya: Girl is caught Jabari and his lil fast tail girlfriend, having sex in my bed.

Joan: (eyes go big) WHAT? Oh my god Maya and what did you do?

Maya: I put her ass out and now Darnell is at home digging in Jabari's ass.

Joan: (sits down) Oh girl, I'm glad I'm not at the stage.

Maya: He becoming a real pain in my ass Joan. Yes he's in school but the child act like he don't know what he wants to do.

Joan: (chuckle) I'm sorry Maya, I still stuck on sex in your bed part. What your going to do with the comforter and ...

Maya: I stripped the bed ad burned everything. I'm going to go look for a brand new bed set and stuff tomorrow.

Joan: He's a grown man Maya, and how old is this girl.

Maya: I don't even know her name Joan.

Joan: Oh wow!

(At that moment, Aaron comes down the stairs, and speaks to Maya before going to the kitchen. Maya looks at Joan and she mumbles under her breath.)

Maya: So Aaron, quick question.

Aaron: Sure.

Maya: If you caught your son having sex in your house and bed, what would you do?

Aaron: Oh that's just on another level of disrespectful. Who did..Jabari?

Maya: Yes!

Aaron: Well, he is over 18 but a nice talking to and an understanding is needed.

Maya: Yeah, I'm going to beat his ass.

(Joan shakes her head as Maya gets up to collect Jojo. Joan sees them out, she wishes Maya luck and then closes the door. Maya makes it home and sees Jabari cleaning, and Darnell tells her what's going on.)

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