Chapter 4

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(Backstory: Joan parents comes over and her mom makes the whole dinner awkward and very disrespectful. She is in the process of planning her and Aaron wedding, and she even sent Toni an invitation. Maya and Darnell are planning on adding to thier family by either trying again or adopting. William and Monica has welcomed a baby boy name Kobe and is having a hard time adjusting. And Lynn has been touring all over Europe and it seems to be working out for her.)

(Scene: Tonight is the night William and Monica have taken Joan up on her offer to babysit Kobe. They are at Joan's giving her instructions and a list of phone numbers incase of an emergency.)

Joan: Guys we got this.

(Monica walks up to Joan as she backs up with Kobe in her arms.)

Monica: Oh I know you do because if one little piece of hair is out of place I will kill you.

Joan: Umm, it will not come to that besides this will be good practice for us, when was the last time he ate?

Monica: 30 minutes before we came.

William: Oh your pregnant?

Joan: Noooo, but a little practice won't hurt us and I just love spending time with him.

Monica: (kiss Kobe head) Now, you be good for Auntie Joan and Uncle Aaron, or this will be they first and last time babysitting.

Aaron: You know you could always bring him along.

Monica: No, no we need this time alone.

Joan: (makes a face) Ohhh, well please go and enjoy yourselves.

(William drags Monica out the door.)

William: Come one sweet face let's go it's been a long time so let's enjoy it.

Monica: I was just...

William: He's fine and is in good hands, I wouldn't trust anyone else with our son, now let's go.

Monica: (looks at them) Remember one hair and..

(She bring her finger to her neck as if she's slicing it, and Joan swallows hard as she puts on a smiles.)

Joan: Tell mommy and daddy see them later.

Monica: Bye pumpkin!

(They finally leaves out and Joan can relax and enjoy her time with her godson.)

Joan: (looks at Kobe) Hi sweet boy, your going to spend a few hours with us huh.

Aaron: He seems like he's trying to talk back.

Joan: He's so precious.

Aaron: Boys are not precious babe, we are handsome.

Joan: Well he's just 3 months so I think precious is ok.

Aaron: Well I'm going to order some take-out, what so you have in mind?

Joan: Umm, Italian is good you know what I like.

Aaron: (kiss her cheek) Ok.

(He walks off while Joan goes to sit on the sofa with Kobe in her arms, she plays with his little feet as he begin to fall to sleep. Once he falls to sleep she  gets up to put him in his pack n play they brought over. She rubs his stomach before she justvstands there and watch him. After she was done she turns and sees Aaron watching her.)

Joan: What?

Aaron: Nothing just watching you.

Joan: (walks up to him) Why?

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