Chapter: 29

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(Backstory: Lynn and her husband has gone on tour and just started a production company. Toni is stuck in some mess with Issac. He has been stealing from her and she finds out. Joan and Aaron are Celebrating four years of marriage, and raising twins girls.)

(Start scene: Joan and Aaron day started out great, until that ski trip was brought up. And to make matters worse, they seen Keith and his wife walking towards them. Aaron groan as Joan makes a noise in the back of her throat.)

Joan: Great!!!

Keith: Aaron!

Aaron: Keith, hey man its been minute.

Keith: Yeah, the last time I seen you was at the dealership, I thought we was going to have dinner.

Aaron: Yeah, something came up and we couldn't make it.

Keith: Oh, this is my wife Shannon, Shannon this is a friend of mine from middle school and his girl Joan.

Shannon: Hello, it's nice to meet you.

Joan: Hi!

Aaron: Hey Shannon, it's good seeing you again.

Shannon: Yeah, I haven't seen you since high school.

Keith: so Aaron, how have things been man?

Aaron: Well, I married the love of my life, and we have twin girls who's two years old.

Shannon: Congratulations, I've always wanted twins.

(Joan feeling awkward as hell, just smile and nod her head.)

Aaron: Well I'm on my way to show my wife here how to ski.

Keith: Ok, Maybe we could get together for dinner tonight or something, make it a double date.

Aaron: Umm yeah that would be great.

Shannon: Come on, I want to go one more time before we leave.

Keith: Ok ok, so tonight around 7 at Dale's.

Aaron: Ok, we will see you then.

Keith: Great, come baby let's go.

(They walks off and Joan turns to Aaron.)

Joan: Aaron....

Aaron: Come on, let's go put these up and get on that thingy that takes you over the mountains.

Joan: Ok, after you.

(She follows him, and they try to make the best of their day before tonight. They make it there and take a seat as the guy press the button, and they are being lifted. As they enjoy the sight in front of them, Joan looks over at Aaron.)

Joan: This is beautiful right.

Aaron: Yeah, I always wanted to go up one of the mountains.

Joan: Really, that's kind of high bae.

Aaron: I'm a dangerous man Joan, I love adventurous things.

Joan: I do too, but I need you here with me and the kids.

Aaron: One time baby please.

Joan: I don't know, I will think about it.

(They enjoy the rest of the ride before they head back to the cabin, to get ready for tonight. Joan called her mom to check on the girls and to talk to them. Joan was in the bathroom, with just a towel wrapped around her. Aaron walks in, in just a towel and stand next to her.)

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