Chapter 9

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(Backstory: Joan and Aaron has a pregnancy scare and goes to the doctor to figure out what's going on. Maya and Lynn goes to New York during Joan's grand opening to be with Toni for her birthday. William and Monica are having issues at home and it causes an argument.)

(Start scene: Monica is sitting in rhe back with Kobe as William drives to the hospital. Kobe has regained conscious and is crying as they rush to get him looked at.)

William: Is he ok?

Monica: (crying) His eyes are open.

William: Hold on buddy daddy is most there.

Monica: (holds him close) Mommy is so sorry baby.

William: It's not your fault I shouldn't have came home like that.

Monica: This is my fault I should have put him in his bed.

(They pulls up to the hospital and William tells Monica to bring him inside while he park. Once parked he jumps out and makes his way inside to find his family. He finds Monica standing there at the door as they look over Kobe.)

William: Baby what they say?

Monica: They are checking him to see if they need to bring him up for a CAT scan.

William: (hugs her) I'm sorry for yelling.

Monica: It's ok, I'm just worried about Kobe.

(They sir there and wait until the doctor comes out and talk to them about their son. After an hour he walks out and walks up to then as they stand.)

Monica: How's my son?

Dr. Wilson: He's just fine, he does t have a concussion but we do want to keep him over night because he did hit his head.

William: Ok, When can we see him?

Dr. Wilson: He is being moved to a room now and a nurse will come get you.

Monica: Ok thank god, thank you so much Doctor Wilson.

Dr. Wilson: your very welcome and you have a very brave little boy.

(He walks away and Williams takes out his phone to let Joan know what was going on. She wanted to come up there and be there with them but he told her no. So after the nurse came to get them they both rushed by Kobe side as he slept. And that's where they were when morning came and they got the clear to go home around noon.)

(By the time they made it home Joan was at they house in the next 30 minutes. She used her key to let herself in and looked around for them.)

Joan: William

(He comes downstairs and hush her.)

William: Joan not so loud we just got him down to sleep.

Joan: Sorry how is he doing?

William: He fine now he gave us both a scare, Monica is afraid to leave his side.

Joan: I don't blame her, is there anything you guys need?

William: No, but thanks for looking out.

Joan: Always we're family.

(In that moment Monica walks down.)

Joan: Hey Monica!

Monica: Hay Joan, you know you didn't have to come over right.

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