Chapter: 43

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(Backstory: Joan and Davis take their friendship to the next level. They both understands that it's nothing serious, just two people enjoying each others time. Lynn finally gives birth to her and Brads son Caleb, and it has brought a new meaning to life for her. Everyone gets together at Lynn's house for Christmas and have a good time like the old times.)

(Start scene: It was the end of January and it was the twins 8th birthday. Joan had planned a sleep over for them and a few friends. Maya had decided to help her until the girls went to bed, and then she was leaving.)

Maya: Joan you sure you thought this through, I mean you are going to have 6 little girls running around with glitter.

Joan: (makes a face) I might have officially lost my mind.

Maya: Well I'm here until 9 so.

Joan: Thank you.

Maya: Whatever!

(Joan laughs)

Joan: So I was thinking we could all sing happy birthday, and then the sleep over could start after that. I brought washable nail polish, a charm bracelet kit, paint, etc. Hopefully it keeps them occupied while I have Mikey to look after.

Maya: Well we need to hurry up, they will be here in a minute.

Joan: I'll get the buckets you grab the drinks please.

(So Maya helped Joan set up the living room for the girls sleepover tonight. The girls starts to show up around 5, and they play in the backyard for a little while. The ladies are inside talking and what not about stuff. Mikey was outside trying to keep up with the big kids, as they run from him.)

Monica: So Joan, it's been what a couple of months you been seeing Davis right?

Joan: We been hanging out for 4 months yeah why?

Monica: 4 months is serious.

Joan: Guys, I'm not looking to date him, we are just fine where we are.

Toni: He just cracking that back.

Maya: Just hunching, and living your life.

Joan: That's it, besides I don't know, he's been acting strange lately.

Lynn: Maybe he's seeing someone else.

Joan: Maybe, but I would hope he's man enough to tell me that.

(An hour later everyone gathered around to sing happy birthday.)

Joan: Ok everyone, let's sing happy birthday so the girls can start the sleepover.

Skylar: Mom can we have pizza tonight and make hot chocolate?

Aubree: Yes, and put gummy worms in it, so cool.

Joan: So gross, but whatever you want.

Them: Yeaaaaa, this is the best birthday ever.

(Joan laughs at her daughters and then got everyone together. Out of nowhere just as they was wrapping it up, Sky screams and takes off running.)

Skylar: Daddy!

(Everyone looks up and they heard Joan gasp out loud as she cover her mouth. Bre moves closer to her mom, as she feels the emotions. They watch as Aaron falls to his knees and takes Sky in his arms. He stands up and looks towards Joan and then down to Bre and some little boy wrapped around her leg.)

Maya: Oh hell no!

Monica: What is he doing here?

Lynn: Of all days he comes now.

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