Chapter 5

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(Backstory: William and Monica takes Joan up on her offer and let her and Aaron babysit. Between poop and puke Joan and Aaron was able to get through the night. Maya and Darnell went to go see a social worker about adopting a babygirl. And Lynn was back in town after she finished her UK tour, but was let go by her manager.)

(Start scene: Cut to Aaron and Joan's house where all the ladies are over going over last minute things for the wedding. The men are outside having them a beer and talking while Aaron was on the grill.)

William: I still can't believe Joan is getting married.

Darnell: Me neither, but I'm happy for you guys.

Aaron: Yeah she's pretty amazing.

William: I must say, since dating you she has calmed down alot.

Darnell: (laughs) Right because we all know she can be alot.

Aaron: Hey man, that's my soon to be wife your talking about.

Darnell: Just saying man, Joan and I relationship has come a long way. I always felt she was trying to sabotage Maya's and I marriage, but to be honest she fought for it more than we both did.

William: That's what's so special about her, she cares even when it comes off wrong, and that's why she's my bestfriend, don't tell Monica I said that.

Aaron: (looks inside) Yeah I am pretty lucky to have her.

(Inside the ladies are talking and Joan looks up because she can feel someone watching, and sees Aaron looking at her.)

Joan: (mouth) What?

(Aaron just shakes his head and smile.)

Maya: (snap her fingers) Joan!

Joan: What?

Lynn: Can you stop undressing Aaron and focus.

Joan: I'm not, he was just staring at me.

Maya: Yeah it's called lust now focus.

Joan: Ok, what was I saying?

Monica: We was going over the wedding, and who is walking with whom.

Joan: Ok, Monica and William of course, Maya and Darnell, and Lynn your walking with Aaron bestfriend Mark.

Lynn: Do I know him?

Joan: No, but he is coming over today so you can meet him then.

Lynn: Is he married?

Joan: (looks at her) No Lynn!

Lynn: Ouu, when is he getting here.

Maya: Lynn why don't you go take a cold shower or something.

Monica: Yeah!

Lynn: Guys I'm fine.

Joan: Lynn sweetie in the last hour you have been damn near on my back.

Lynn: What I can't help it, guys it's been sooo long and I'm just itching, I will take anything I can get right now.

Maya: Well take your ass in the back and tend to your itch.

Joan: (moves away) Back up Lynn, I have a man.

Monica: She's so weird.

Lynn: I'm not, I'm just horny and....

Joan: Ok, go in the back and don't come out until you can behave yourself.

Maya: And don't touch anything, put your hands in your pockets.

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