Chapter: 32

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(Backstory: Maya has a small girl night at her house, and the men are left babysitting. While everyone was having a good time, Toni shows up and tell them what's been going on. A few months later, Aaron and Mike was walking back to his car, when an old high school student confront him. Things get out of hand and Aaron ends up shot in the chest, and his bestfriend dead.)

(Start scene: It's been three weeks since the incident, and Aaron has to bury his bestfriend. He's been in pain from the damage from where the bullet it and it's frustrating. It's the day of the funeral, and he's been on one since lastnight. Joan comes in the room and watches him as he tries to get ready.)

Joan: Hey!

Aaron: (looks up) Morning!

Joan: You need any help?

Aaron: No, I got it.

(She stands there as he button up his shirt, when he got to the tie he ran into a problem. With his arm starting to hurt and his frustration, he cuss and throws the tie. Joan walks up to him and pick up the tie before she moves in front of him.)

Aaron: I don't want the tie Joan.

Joan: Just let me help you Aaron.

Aaron: (emotional) Joan I said I don't.

(Joan grabs his face and makes him look at her. She caresses his cheeks as she smile a sad smile.)

Joan: Baby I know this is hard for you. Mike was your bestfriend, he was like a brother to you. He was our kids godfather and I know your hurting right now. I just want you to know that whatever it is, if you need to talk or whatever. I will always be here to be a listening ear or just a shoulder to cry on.

Aaron: (sigh) Thank you for being patient with me these last 2 weeks. I know I have been a pain in the ass the pass few days, It's just I still don't believe he's gone, I still feel like he's here. Why did he jump....

(Aaron get very emotional and Joan stops fixing his tie to hug him. He bury his face in her neck, and just breath her in. He holds her close and tight before he pulls back. She wipes his tears as she sheds a few of them herself.)

Joan: He did it because he knew you have a family. He didn't want those girls to grow up without thier father. I'm sad he's no longer here, but I thank god everyday for you. I don't now what I would do, if it was you lying dead on that pavement Aaron.

(Aaron bends his head and kiss his wife for the first time in two weeks. They stand there and just be in this moment, before the funeral.)

Joan: We have to finish getting ready.

Aaron: Ok, let's get this over with.

Joan: (finish his tie) There you go, handsome!

Aaron: I just hope I made him proud!

Joan: You are sending him off in a way that is so Mike.

Aaron: Come on.

(They finish getting dressed and head to the funeral home. All of  his friends and family was there. By the end of it all Aaron felt a little better, and he knew his friend was in a better place. After the burial and repast, they head back home to Carol waiting inside.)

Joan: Mom?

Carol: Shhh, I just got them down for a nap.

Joan: What are you doing here?

Carol: Hello to you too, but I came to check on my son in law.

Aaron: (hugs her) Hey mom.

Joan: Mom where's dad?

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