Chapter: 21

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(Backstory: Joan began to have some pregnancy pains, that's common in most pregnancies. Maya is loving life with her beautiful family, and writing her 4th book. Lynn is getting serious in her relationship, and they are talking marriage. Toni has some issues with her sister Sherri and it causes some drama.)

(Start scene: As Joan makes her way to the door, she grunts as she feels the twins moving around. She swings the door open, and her eyes get big and mouth opens slightly with a gasp. Toni Childs is standing on her front porch, with a nervous look on her face.)

Joan: (confused) Hello Toni!

Toni: Hi Joan, is it ok if I come in?

Joan: (delayed reaction) Oh right, umm come on in.

(Joan moves to the side to let her in as she closes the door. She notice Toni looking around, as she stands there and try to process this.)

Toni: (looks around) Nice home!

Joan: Thank you.

Toni: You was busy?

Joan: (moves from the door) No, just folding clothes.

Toni: I know your wondering why I'm here, and to be honest so am I.

Joan: Ok, then why are you here?

Toni: I figured we could talk, I don't know about the last few months of my mother's life.

Joan: (scratch her head) Ok, we can go into the kitchen, it's right this way.

(Joan moves pass Toni and she follow her into the kitchen. Toni sits at the island as Joan take out two glasses from the cabinet.)

Toni: Congratulations on the wedding and the pregnancy by the way.

Joan: Thank you, would you like some lemonade?

Toni: Sure!

(Joan fix them both some and hand Toni her glass as she stands and takes a sip.)

Joan: So you want to know about the last few months I spent with your mom.

Toni: Yes, I didn't get that time and I just want to know what she talked about.

Joan: Umm, ok well she talked about her times when she thought she wasn't the best mother. How she wasn't really there when you was born. How much she just wanted to say she was sorry. She talked about when we were small, and the first day you brought me to your home.

Toni: How come she didn't tell me any of this?

Joan: I don't know, but I know how much she loved you and she only wanted what was best for you. We talked about alot of things, I know she had her problems but she was a wise woman. She loved her some Morgan, she told me to tell you to never let her forget her.

Toni: (looks at her) We wasn't on the best of terms before she passed. I just wish I could tell her how much I love her.

Joan: She knew, deep down she knew.

(Joan continues to share her time with Veretta, when Aaron comes in.)

Aaron: Hi, is everything OK?

Joan: Yes, just talking bae.

Toni: Hello Aaron, I'm not here to start drama.

Aaron: Ok good, I'll leave you too alone then.

(He bends down and kiss Joan's belly.)

Aaron: Hello girls!

Joan: Great, now your going to get them started.

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