Chapter: 12

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(Backstory: Joan finds out she's pregnant while Aaron is still MIA and it only made things more real. As time went by she realized that he might not come back, and maybe it was best if she moved on with her life. While going though all of this her ex fiance Brock shows up and cause her problems.)

(Start scene: Aaron is holding his wife as she finally stops fighting against him. Lynn is on the other side confused on if she should go over there to check on her friend.)

Joan: Let me go!

Aaron: No, your not leaving.

Joan: You can't tell me what to do.

Aaron: Im not trying too, but we still need to talk.

Joan: What's the point huh so you can blame me, I've apologized, I'm not about to keep doing that.

Lynn: JOAN?

(Aaron takes her phone and puts it to his ear.)

Aaron: Lynn she's fine, and she's not coming to stay with you, I'm her husband and I'm going to look after her ok.

Lynn: Ok, but if you hurt one hair on her head...

Aaron: I will never put my hands on her Lynn, now we will talk to you later.

Lynn: Ok, but just know I will be calling  back in an hour.

Aaron: Whatever, bye Lynn.

Lynn: Bye and will you two just make up all ready.

Aaron: Bye Lynn!

(Aaron throws her phone on the bed but never let his hold of her go.)

Joan: Why did you do that?

Aaron: Because your not leaving and we are going to talk about everything, I don't care if it take months.

Joan: I won't be here.

Aaron: Oh really and where are you going?

Joan: I brought a house.

Aaron: (turns her) Why would you do that?

Joan: Does it matter now, (gets out of his grasp) I will be out of here in 2 and a half weeks.

Aaron: So that's what all those boxes for downstairs?

Joan: Yes, I figured you wasn't coming back and our marriage was over, and me staying here really wasn't helping so I found a house.

Aaron: So after a week you decided I was done?

Joan: You left me here alone for a whole week Aaron, no calls, no texts, nothing what did you expect.

Aaron: I was coming back, I just needed time to think.

Joan: Yeah, well you have to know one thing about me Aaron, I'm not holding on to something or someone who don't want to be kept.

Aaron: (chuckle) That's the samething William said, I guess he was right about that.

(Joan ignores him and zip up her suitcase and set it on the floor as she walks over to her dresser. She pulls out the images from the sonogram she got her first visit. She walks up to him and takes his hand placing them in it.)

Joan: I got extra copies for you, I was going to mail them when I found out you was at Mike's. I figured you should know and be involved just as much as I am. But I never got the chance, so I giving them to you now, and it's up to you to decide how involved you want to be, I'm not going to beg you. (looks up at him) Before I go, can you honestly look me in my eyes and tell me that this marriage will work?

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