Chapter 10

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(Backstory: After long days of work and no home cooked meals, Williams comes home frustrated and they have an argument. Maya was finally able to share her great news with the ladies. Lynn and Brad are still going strong and she's finally feel like she belong. And Joan and Aaron are doing great until she gets a text from the past.)

(Start scene: After Joan finish throwing up everything that was left in her stomach, she gets up on wobbly legs and stands at the sink. She looks up in the mirror and sees how horribly pale she is and she just looks a mess. She turns on the shower to get in and maybe get her day started. Once she's done she gets dressed and calls Aaron once more before making her way to work.)

Monica: Well look who graced us with her presence.

Joan: Not now Monica ok.

Monica: (makes a face) What's wrong with you, you seemed fine yesterday.

Joan: You ever heard of a little saying "fake it til you make it."

Monica: Ok now look I your going to have a funky attitude today you can go back home.

Joan: (walks off) Whatever!

(Monica watches as Joan walks off towards the back and calls William.)

William: Did she show up?

Monica: She did but she has an attitude and she looks a hot mess.

William: Ok just keep an eye on her, she's going through it right now.

Monica: I'm not a babysitter William.

William: Just until I get there later Ok.

Monica: Fine!

(She hangs up and get back to work as people start to come in. After an hour Joan finally comes from the back.)

Monica: Everything is going fine and the truck is on its way.

Joan: Ok great, I'll check it in and I'm sorry about earlier.

Monica: It's ok, your going through a rough time right now.

Joan: (close her eyes) It's been 4 days Monica and he hasn't called me.

Monica: Just give him time Joan.

Joan: (tearing up) I don't know what else to do I can't eat, I barely sleep. I just really need him to come home and just hold me.

Monica: (hugs her) Joan everything will work out, you two are crazy about eachother.

Joan: I'm not so sure it will, I messed up and this is my punishment.

Monica: Look how about we try to make the best of the rest of this day, not think so much and just be.

Joan: I'll try but I can't make an promises.

Monica: Good!

(While the ladies make the most of they day at the J-Spot, William is making his way to Mike's house. He walks up to the door and knocked waiting for him to come to the door. After a few seconds it opens and Mike greets him and motion for him to come in.)

William: Is he here?

Mike: Yep, out back destroying another punching bag.

William: Oh you sure I'm suppose to be here, I mean the guy have alot of pent up anger.

Mike: Well we will see.

(He escort him out back and they watch as Aaron hits the punching bag and knocking it off the hook.)

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